How do I convert from c3p to exe on free Construct?

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Is this being done intentionally? I spent 2 days coding my game on a free version of Construct 3 and then I tried to export it to exe. Nope, you can't do that, that's a premium feature. I downloaded the c3p version but nope, I don't even have software to run it outside the browser. Now I'm apparently stuck between giving up my entire creation or paying 20$ a month (which I will NOT do). What now?

    My game has less than 50 events and only one layout, so it doesn't exceed any capacity like someone else on a 4 year old thread said. Every single other thread just had the conclusion "pay the money lol" so I am getting desperate.

  • Every single other thread just had the conclusion "pay the money lol"

    That's odd, so does this one.

  • Why not publish to web, or scirra arcade if you don't have somewhere to host it?

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  • Why not publish to web, or scirra arcade if you don't have somewhere to host it?

    To further Oosyrag's comment:

    - Export from C3 into 'Web HTML5' or 'Scirra Arcade' and upload it to the linked sites

    If you really want to export into EXE:

    - Pay the money lol

  • Thank you for the replies. Maybe I was a bit too mad, but Scirra Arcade will do just fine I think. I really thought I had no way to publish my game for a moment.

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