How to control sprite in multiplayer

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  • Good morning guys, I'm making a multiplayer game and I have a problem... It's a game with an Isometric view and I've made it so that when a sprite passes behind a building it becomes semi-transparent... this works for me... The problem is that I want that building to be placed in semi-transparency but in each user's game and not in the others'... So if my sprite goes behind the building I see it in semi-transparency but for the rest of the Players don't go into semi-transparency and I can't figure out how to do it.

    How can I tell you that it only happens on my computer... and not on everyone's.

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  • Good guys, I have solved it, I will tell you as if someone has the same problem

    When creating the sprite I gave the ParticipantID to the Sprite.peerid

    Then in the condition when controlling I check that

    the peerid of my Sprite is equal to Multiplayer.MyID

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