Construct 3 Can't Detect My Gamepad

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  • I'm trying to implement gamepad input and, at first, using gamepad index 1 worked fine, but I eventually switched to using "On gamepad connected" and setting a variable I would then use as the index for the gamepad to "Gamepad.GamepadIndex", but it eventually stopped working, and by debugging, I noticed the variable isn't being set. Gamepad works for every other application on my pc, and if I restart my pc, gamepad will work on construct again for a while. What should I do?


  • Are you sure the trigger is firing?

    To prevent websites tracking you based on the available gamepads, most browsers supporting Gamepad input will report that no controllers are connected until a button is pressed on one of the devices, when On gamepad connected will also run.

    Also note the index is 0 based, so 0 should be the first controller.

  • I don't think it is, I'll set another action for testing and I'll tell you the result.

  • Yep, I set an action to set a variable to a number and it won't, so apparently it isn't firing.

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  • Try to see if your gamepad works.

    If it does, but not in your project, you probably have an issue in your events.

    If it also doesn't, you might look into troubleshooting your gamepad/os connectivity first.

  • I figured it out, it was the dumbest thing ever. I had this virtual gamepad driver installed for something I can't remember, and it was being detected first. Thanks for helping (the example helped me because it showed the name of the device) and sorry for submitting something like this.

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