How do check object distance in ascending order?

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From the Asset Store
This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • so. i have bloicks, when clicked they are toggeled on to dig.

    the player moves to it and digs it.

    if you unselect it, it chooses another nearest to instance.

    problem is, its picking blocks through other blocks. it mines based on the blocks uid. so its not an overlapping problem.

    i could do check distance on arrived. but it would just check for the same block as nearest again after.

    i was thinking on having it check many blocks at once. if it cant reach on arrived choose next one on list.

    so how do i check multiple objects in ascending order?

    other solutions are super welcomed!

    ill upload this for others to see soon. ideally i wanted to finish the checks and a selector box first

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  • There is "For each ordered" System loop:

    For Each Block order by distance(fromX, fromY, Block.X, Block.y)

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