How do I make my button function?

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J-BoB Game Button Sound Pack comes with 300 high-quality sound effects
  • Hi, I have a problem here. How can I make my "pen" button work? I got no problem for the "start" button. But it doesn't work as i click the "pen" button.

  • Move it above the go to layout.

    To make sure it finish and go to layout after that you can check:

    If sound Pen finished and then go to layout.

  • do I move it like this ??? It is still not working. I want to do "if player clicked the pen button, then the blue car will move forward a bit" but I don't know how. I'm a beginner and this is the first time i'm using this software

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  • The only thing your pen button do is to change it scale.

    If you want to move your blue car when your pen button is clicked then add to your blue car the Move-to behavior and on touch move your blue car to position.

  • do I move it like this ??? It is still not working. I want to do "if player clicked the pen button, then the blue car will move forward a bit" but I don't know how. I'm a beginner and this is the first time i'm using this software

    You set it play only when start layout so it will play once.

    If you want to play it when touch the pen button, you should move the audio play pen to action of touched pen.

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