How do I get better frame rate for my game

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Selection frame like in RTS games, works both on mobile and desktop devices.
  • My game is a fast pace combat platformer where my goal was to make a really fast game where you can take out a hold room in under a second if your good enough while flying through the air i did just that but i have to much stuff that is in the game

    how do i save some frames or load and unload objects in the game

    i have over 7000 objects in one level alone and 112 enemies in that level and one boss fight and i made a state machine code for 2d pathfinding for the enemies


  • A large number of objects by itself doesn't automatically mean bad performance.

    There are many things which can affect the performance - effects, behaviors, events running on every tick, collision checks etc. You need to find which of these factors are present in your game and try to optimize them.

    If you have an effect applied to many objects, move it to a layer instead.

    If lots of sprites have active behaviors, you should disable them if possible, when they are off-screen. Pathfinding, for example, may be very demanding, especially on a large map. Try not to use actions like "find path" or "refresh obstacle map" too often. There's also a much more performance friendly plugin for pathfinding you can try - EasyStarJS.

    If the game makes lots of collision checks per tick (1000 or more), you can try reducing them, this will definitely help with the performance.

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  • does EasyStarJS pathfinding work with platformer? because i did not know it could do that if it does?

  • does EasyStarJS pathfinding work with this?

    It's hard to tell. If you can organize path waypoints and obstacles in a grid, then yes, you can use EasyStarJS. It can only calculate a path, you will have to move the enemies using other behaviors, like MoveTo.

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