Did you delete you previous post? I've already written a long reply, so I'll post it here :)
1. If you are using Platform behavior, move player only with Platform actions. "Move forward 1px" is not a Platform action, it will cause problems! Use "Simulate controls" action, check out the official Platformer template to see how to do it.
2. I'm guessing that frames in your player animations have different collision polygons, or different size, or different origin point position, or maybe all of the above. This will mess with Platform events, because as animation is playing, your character will be constantly falling/landing/colliding with walls. To avoid this problem, use a separate invisible rectangular sprite "PlayerObject" for movement and pin your sprite with animations to it. Again, see "Kiwi store" template, how the Kiwi character is made there.
3. Here is an example of how to manage animations in a platformer game: