Adding sequential actions

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  • Construct 3 doesn't seem to let you add in actions after a condition is placed. I'd like a condition to be activated during a set of actions and then continue on with the actions regardless of the outcome. Is this possible without some kind of workaround?

    I've been trying to find a way to get this action to just work after the secondary condition. I may have some kind of error in my code but is this a supported feature or is my logic bad?

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  • If I understand your question correctly, click the function name to select it and press B. This will add another empty sub-event where you can put other actions.

  • Your "X is block" check will always have the potential to fail.

    Perhaps you could do it like this:

    On function weakPunch

    - trigger once

    ---Tyke X is block: blah

    ---Other action that happens at the same time: blah

  • Perhaps you could do it like this:

    On function weakPunch

    - trigger once

    ---Tyke X is block: blah

    ---Other action that happens at the same time: blah

    that's what I'm trying to do, but it seems like unless there's a condition in place, Construct doesn't pay any mind to it. If I simply place an empty condition on the same indent as the sub-condition, will it evaluate the sub-condition and then just execute the next section of code regardless?

  • If I simply place an empty condition on the same indent as the sub-condition, will it evaluate the sub-condition and then just execute the next section of code regardless?

    Yes. The first 4 actions will run, then a pause of 0.1s. Then "Tyke set health" action, but only if the condition is true. And then the other actions nested under the function level, regardless of the previous condition.

  • Oh. Well that sucks, lol. I guess it just means I'm coding something wrong because that's what I tried the first time and I got bizarre results. Maybe I need to play around with it more and make sure I'm not making some kind of dumb mistake.

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