web browser game

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  • Hi,

    Before i ask my question please note that i have ZERO experience in developing game and my first language is french. so my question will probably be unclear or weird. Sorry in advance.

    Here's my question. is there a guide on how to create a web browser multiplayer game only clicking, like players have an account so i need a login page. and then there gonna be a map where the player could move limited by a number of movement point per day and action per day. like old school web browser game. you know, a site web with tab like one for the character, one for the map, etc.

    maybe with the idea of what i wanna do, my first question is actually is it possible to do that with construct 3? if not, toward what should i go for this kind of game? remember that it need to be Really easy to use since i have no knowledge.

    thanks for the help even if its not possible.

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  • It can be done. Check out the multiplayer examples for Construct3.

    But multiplayer games require more knowledge than regular games.

  • thanks for the quick answer!

    after reading your answer, i did check the exemple for multiplayer and sadly i get only 4 exemples and none was what i am looking for.

    and yes i know that as soon as you get in multiplayer game you fall in a complete different world and a harder one. i also know that i probably wont be releasing this game for years. it is just a project that i wish to achieve one day ahah.

    thanks again, still trying to figure all that out.

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