Simulation game with Construct 3?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi, I've been getting into those farm/city games where you build/grow etc. and was thinking about making that type of game, I have my idea but my problem is that everytime I come up with an idea I realise it is too complicated for a first game or it isn't possible with the tools I have.

    I was wondering if making this style of game is possible with Construct? Would it be super complicated? I know I have to learn the basics first, I just don't have any knowledge of how complicated whatever idea is to make.

    Honestly, I have been going back and forth between the idea of using Construct or another piece of software but the other software doesn't really have any tutorials so I'm going to stick with Construct. So, I'm trying to work out what can and can't be done, so I can work out my idea.


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  • It can absolutely be done. I´d imagine it beeing quite a challenge though for your first game. Especially if you work on it alone.

  • It can absolutely be done. I´d imagine it beeing quite a challenge though for your first game. Especially if you work on it alone.

    Thanks for the reply. I'll keep this in mind for when I'm ready since I've thought about it and I'm going to try to make something more simple first. I had an idea for a platformer and also an arcade style game so I'll start with one of those and get used to Construct first. After reading some of the discussions and seeing what can be done with Construct, I'm excited to get to learning.

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