Restart doesn't trigger on layout end?

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  • So I just wanted to ask if this is an oversight or intentional? Possibly due to backwards compatibility?

    You could argue it doesn't make sense that it would trigger on layout end since the layout kind of doesn't end, but at the same time it does trigger on start of layout.

    Ideally it would trigger it, but if that's not possible for the mentioned reasons, I'd suggest a "on layout restart" of sorts? Although it's not clear if this triggers on start of layout or before end of layout? So I'm not sure if that's the best approach.

  • End of layout triggers when you are going to a different layout so why would you expect to restart or see the current one has restarted ?

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  • Because there's a group that I'd like to disable whenever the layout changes or restarts (and also a variable inside that group that I'd like to reset). The simplest solution would be to have a trigger inside that group that does this whenever the layout changes/gets restarted.

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