Project is crashing if I build apk with new r364 release

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  • Hi,

    After this new release, my app is crashing on my mobile phone shortly after opening it. If I copy over all assets and code to a new project and use an older version for example r360 to export a new APK then I have no issues.

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Built an apk with ads and analytics for testing. Checked it on mobile, everything works well.

  • I have narrowed the issue down to it being my project settings below:

    Even if I use an empty project like the one attached below with those settings and export for 7+ Android versions, my debug APK slows down and crashes after about a minute on an Android phone. I have only experienced this with the R364 version.

    I am unaware of anyone encountering this and already reported it as a bug or does someone need to report it?

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  • I have your example working fine on my phone.

    I have corrected your file link.


  • Hmmm, that is weird. I am having this issue with multiple phones. Could we be using different export settings? Here are mine:

  • These build settings should not affect the startup of the apk. Post your apk with which problems I'll take a look.

  • I can reproduce; I don't know what causes it. The steps to reproduce vary, however, and sometimes resolve themselves.

    For your reference:


    The common error message is Uncaught TypeError: d.getModifierState is not a function. The Construct Team closes all issues regarding this since it's not reproducible from a project but rather the editor itself.

    To note, this issue started months ago, with the export not working if you don't preview first. However, now even that remedy doesn't work anymore. Then, the next remedy is to restart the editor. Now, that remedy also doesn't work anymore. It's practically random to me now when it will work.

    I myself am stuck with this and have to call it a day from time to time when this happens.

    My best guess is that some files aren't loaded properly in the editor while exporting, and this happens. I would like to dig into what's causing the issue to file a report, but the engine is so obfuscated that it's like an insult to anyone who does try to investigate, like our time doesn't matter.

    Ashley, if you want us to investigate issues ourselves, at least help us and not make it hard.

  • The error message doesn't make any sense at all to us. My best guess is it is caused by a broken browser extension, not Construct. Try disabling any browser extensions you have installed.

    The only place the function mentioned is actually used in Construct is when pressing a keyboard shortcut, and keyboard shortcuts are working normally everywhere in Construct as far as we're aware, and nobody's issue reports mention pressing a key at all. Broken browser extensions are usually the cause of this kind of problem that makes no sense and can't be reproduced consistently by others.

  • igortyhon

    The APK that I posted previously is the APK that slows down and crashes on a few Androids that I have access to.

    That is a genuine example, there's no point in posting anything more complicated than that.

  • Hi,

    After this new release, my app is crashing on my mobile phone shortly after opening it. If I copy over all assets and code to a new project and use an older version for example r360 to export a new APK then I have no issues.

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I apologise for tagging you Ashley, going back to the original issue using the project below my app crashes on my Android devices and this has happened to multiple devices. It's a simple project with no code just 2 sprites and project settings which use "Scale outer" if I change the full-screen mode to for example "Letterbox scale" then everything is fine. I have pasted the project URL and video URL below.

    I only have this issue with exporting using construct r364+



  • If you run in to any problems with Construct please file an issue following all the guidelines, as usually it is impossible to help without all the requested information.

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