Playstore crash reports

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  • Hi, since I published my last version of my app with construct I'm noticing a lot of crashes appearing on the crash reports. Today I even had a customer send me a video of the game not starting properly on their device.

    On all my test devices the game seems to correctly but obnviously it IS crashing for some. The crashes I see are :

    • android.view.View.populateVirtualStructure
    • [] !!!0000!8fc203f72276cff568aecfb05c6306!5441528417!
    • [] glScissor
    • android.view.View.populateVirtualStructure

    How can I solve this as to me it looks more like an engine issue? Maybe Im wrong?

    I'm not sure exactly which version of construct I used to publish it but it was published around a couple of weeks ago.


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  • Hi. You should get used to having errors in your reports, there is no way to get rid of it. I recommend that you periodically review your failure report and if you notice devices with abnormally high error rates, simply block them. This strategy will help you keep your crash limit below 0.47% and then Google will not reduce your traffic.

    The main cause of errors is too much segmentation of devices on which android runs and too long support of older versions.

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