Platformer Vertical Movement

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  • Hello. I have a question about Platform Behaviour. I want to know more about Acceleration and Decelaration variables of the Platform Behaviour.

    Do Acceleration/Decelaration also apply to Vertical Speed over time?

    Or do they only apply to Horizontal Movement(Platformer.VectorX)?

    I am asking because i want to calculate the exact peak height my character will reach. Before my character actually jumps. So that i can design my levels and obstacles accordingly.

    So i need to know if gravity is the only Force that is acting on my Platform Behaviour (only in the context of Vertical Movement on the Y axis) ?

    Or are there any hidden Forces that the behaviour calculates that i should be aware of?

    thank you in advance people.

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  • Okay I tested it. If anyone else is wondering like myself. I'll put the answer here.

    I simulated jumps on different objects which only had Platform Behaviors on them . And compared their Peak Heights in Pixels:

    Max-Speed ,Acceleration and Deceleration have no effect on the Vertical Movement.

    Only Gravity, Max-Fall-Speed and Jump-Sustain are effecting the Vertical Movement.

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