Any idea what could cause such an error?

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7 Errors
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  • I'm very deep into a project of mine (over a year or so) almost 100 event sheets, and I have managed to figure workarounds to most problems however the solution to this issue evades me.

    I understand it's hard to diagnose certain issues without the project file, but at least, from a Construct 3 context, what sort of setup would cause such an error?

    Key Points:

    1) When I run my project in the normal preview there is no freezing point, no errors.

    2) When I run the debug preview,

    a) The Event: I have a water tile background that if instances of the player object are in a certain distance from the water become "waterActive"

    b) There is a loops section that displays as incomplete when the players run into the water, at which point the game freezes, and it is specific to one object (the player object). It displays as such: 14/16, in which out of the 16 players in the game, there are two that are "waterActive".

    c) Whenever this loops section appears, I open the console window and it displays the error shown in the image above, if I prevent the event that sets the players to water active then there is no issue, however, I have yet to figure out what exactly is causing the issue.

    The main curiosity is why it happens only in the debug console preview, considering how large my project is right now, the use of the debug preview is necessary for any worthy development to continue.

    It reminds me of a certain quirk, if I click the local storage object in the debug console it will essentially break the preview. Not sure if this is a similar case as my project issue is specific to events.

    P.S. If I open up the console window in a non-debug preview no errors show in the exact same circumstances tested so it seems something is happening in the debug console that is disrupting the preview, just not sure what.

  • Could you post a screenshot of the events in question? (loops etc.)

  • Could you post a screenshot of the events in question? (loops etc.)

    Done dop2000

  • Are you saying that if you disable this entire event, the problem goes away?

    Try to narrow it down even further - remove "Pick fWater" subevent, test, then remove "For each fGravity" line, test.. Maybe you could find the exact condition or expression that causes the game to freeze.

    Also, why are you setting waterUID to ""? If it's a numeric variable, it should not accept string.

  • Errors like this usually are something you wanna post on the issue tracker. If it only happens in the debug preview, it might point to a bug in the debugger, but no way for anyone (except the scirra crew) to tell for sure

  • Yes, it looks like a bug and in general we need all the information requested by the bug report guidelines to be able to help. If we only have screenshots then we have to rely on what I call "telepathic debugging", which is notoriously unreliable.

  • Are you saying that if you disable this entire event, the problem goes away?

    Try to narrow it down even further - remove "Pick fWater" subevent, test, then remove "For each fGravity" line, test.. Maybe you could find the exact condition or expression that causes the game to freeze.

    Also, why are you setting waterUID to ""? If it's a numeric variable, it should not accept string.


    I have used the method of disabling each condition in the event, all the matters is that if fGravity's water state is set to "active" then the error will commence.

    Also, the waterUID to "" is just set there to ensure no residual effects linger from having a previous waterUID (since UIDs can't be strings, then no fWater.UID can be selected) when no longer active, it's rather irrelevant in this context.

    Thanks for the replies, to my knowledge bug reports are open to the public, so I'm not sure how others have handled heavily invested projects and then just showing the project file freely to the masses?

    If there is a more private way to do it then I'm all for it.

    I'm also aware of the advice to break the project down into the smallest portion that still produces the error. I might end up going that route.

  • if fGravity's water state is set to "active" then the error will commence.

    Then I think, the problem must be in some other event, where you are picking fGravity with "active" state and doing something with them.


    Yeah, if you are filing a bug report, you need to attach a small project, not your full game.

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  • > if fGravity's water state is set to "active" then the error will commence.

    Then I think, the problem must be in some other event, where you are picking fGravity with "active" state and doing something with them.


    Yeah, I went down that rabbit hole:


    If I disable the set y actions no error

    If I disable the set x actions no error

    In either case, the key is that this error ONLY occurs if I am using debug preview, so it appears to be specific to the debug console.

    P.S. just tried to make my project smaller, it quickly gets to the point where it is no longer even working enough to get to the problem at hand (so many connections at this point), this might be a puzzle just to get it down to a small enough size without breaking it.

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