[How to] Complex Game Data, with Construct 3

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  • 1. I am coming back to Contruct 3. Currently planning a UI/Text base simulation RPG Game.

    2. there will be alot of Data, Character, skill, job class, item and its properties (like diablo ).

    3. I am now a full time no-coder ( bubble flutterflow ), this will not be too complex to do with SQL database.

    4. My game are focus UI/data simulation. no 3D, or even animation. So data would be the main dish.

    My Question :

    5. What would be the suggested approach to do this? ( C3 Arrays? )

    My concern : i have try the Array, reading and writing it on complexe data seem very troublesome.

  • My concern : i have try the Array, reading and writing it on complexe data seem very troublesome.

    I have tinkered with data-driven stuff before and I always reached the conclusion that it's absolutely possible to do so, but doing it via Events is somewhat cumbersome.

    If you want to do it no-code, I'd probably recommend the json plugin.

    If you bite the bullet and use javascript, classes/subclasses and methods will be your friends, as well as json/array data.

  • I've had good success using an external editor called Gridless. It exports as json. It can be imported and read into C3 very easily with the json plugin.

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  • I've tried most types of data systems in C3, and to me nothing beats just using sprite objects made invisible with collisions turned off.

    The ability to pick instance by highest lowest value and foreach ordered, using a boolean to omit some sprites, makes it very easy to sort data.

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