Discoloration Bug?

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  • Hey everyone, I was wondering if y'all can help me figure out if what is going on is a simple mistake on my part or is there is a slight bug in Construct. Basically what is happening is that when I copy and paste an animation frame with the rectangle select after adding a new, empty frame to put it in, the frame becomes a bit more dull in color, even if it is in the exact same animation. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the sprite itself since I tried it on a completely different sprite and the same thing happened. Thankfully I can just go back, pick the color from the original, and use the bucket tool to fix it, but I want to know why it happens.

    The last two images are the different color values from both the original and copy and pasted frame


  • What operating system are you using?

    Recently there was an issue in our tracker that sounds very similar to what you are describing, it was only affecting OSX.

    You can see the report here

    If you are using OSX, you can try what is mentioned in the issue to see if it works for you. Unfortunately if that is the case, there isn't much we can do as it would be an OS level problem affecting C3.

  • What operating system are you using?

    Recently there was an issue in our tracker that sounds very similar to what you are describing, it was only affecting OSX.

    You can see the report here

    If you are using OSX, you can try what is mentioned in the issue to see if it works for you. Unfortunately if that is the case, there isn't much we can do as it would be an OS level problem affecting C3.

    I believe that my school mac (the one I am using and where the bug occured), is a macOS Big Spur, so the problem is now also in OS I guess.

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  • Hey TiredSundew5639 — I was the one who'd posted that bug report. If it helps, I found a way around it (but still hoping the bug gets fixed in OSX):

    I think it may relate to the colour profile; here's what I did to get things working:

    • In Chrome: visit chrome://flags/#force-color-profile and changed the options to "sRGB"

    • In OSX display preferences: change the colour profile on all monitors to "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"

    • Restart the laptop

  • Hey TiredSundew5639 — I was the one who'd posted that bug report. If it helps, I found a way around it (but still hoping the bug gets fixed in OSX):

    I think it may relate to the colour profile; here's what I did to get things working:

    • In Chrome: visit chrome://flags/#force-color-profile and changed the options to "sRGB"

    • In OSX display preferences: change the colour profile on all monitors to "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"

    • Restart the laptop

    I don't know what you mean by OSX display preferences since I looked and I can't see anything that says sRGB IEC61966-2.1, but I appreciate the help anyway.

  • Oh right - if it helps, you might have to turn off "Show profiles for this display only" on the bottom of the Color tab. It should give you a long list of profiles to choose from.

  • Oh right - if it helps, you might have to turn off "Show profiles for this display only" on the bottom of the Color tab. It should give you a long list of profiles to choose from.

    Ok I did it and it works for the most part (colors with brush tool are still somewhat off), Thank you for the help!

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