blackhornet beat me to it - I should have refreshed :)
Actually, the rules around creating objects and picking are slightly more confusing.
The new object is picked in the event that created it (unless a loop is creating multiple objects - then the last one created will be the only one picked).
during that event (or any functions you call from that event), you can only pick the new object by its UID (or "Pick Last Created"). So, if you call a function and want to use the new object, you must pass the UID in so that the function can pick it. You can't pick by instance variables, or any other way (x, or y values, etc.)
After the top level event that created the object, you can then pick it by all the normal methods. You don't have to wait until the next tick - just the next top level event. That is when C3 finishes the process of creating new objects.
What a lot of people will do is add a "Wait 0 Seconds" action after creating an object. This defers further actions until the end of the current tick, so by then the object is pickable with all the regular methods. I think that is where the "you must wait until the next tick" idea comes from. But I have seen people get themselves into lots of trouble by misusing Waits, so I think it is a better idea to set up your eventsheet to use some kind of flag, and access the new objects in a different top level event.