Will Construct 3 support Nintendo Switch?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • The Nintendo Switch is emerging as a boon for indie developers. I read on VentureBeat just today that YoYo Games is teaming up with Nintendo to create a special edition of GameMaker Studio 2 which supports the creation of Nintendo Switch games: https://venturebeat.com/2018/03/08/nint ... is-summer/

    It seems Nintendo is more than happy to work with indie game developers and bring more games to the platform created using tools like GameMaker Studio.

    In light of this news, is Scirra planning on implementing support for the Nintendo Switch and is it a priority?

  • The question to ask is: Will Nintendo Switch support HTML5?

    And the answer is: Nobody but Nintendo knows, and they aren't sharing

  • It's good to see more software support the Switch, hopefully Clickteam's Fusion 3 will support it as well, it's nice to have competition with Construct 3!

  • Well, I've seen some videos of the native switch browser sort of running html5 games. Of course it's tricky to even get the native browser working... But maybe it's not too far off?

  • In my humble opinion: No or not soon

    Why ? Switch already has a lot of developers (big companies and indies). Nintendo released the Web Framework in order to draw more developers to the failing WiiU that lacked 3rd party games.

    Also, even if Nintendo brings the Web Framework to Switch, chances are that C3 will not be supported unless the Web Framework is updated to support WebGL (from what I know, C3 dropped the support for DirectCanvas)

  • It's 100% up to Nintendo. Everyone who wants this: ask Nintendo! It's not like we're sitting around with a dev kit thinking "meh can't be bothered". I'd jump on it right away if Nintendo let us. But so far they're not letting us. Perhaps if enough people tell Nintendo they're interested they'd make it happen.

  • Well, maybe a petition could help a little <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


  • Well, maybe a petition could help a little <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


    Excellent initiative.


  • Signed!

  • The Nintendo Switch is emerging as a boon for indie developers. I read on VentureBeat just today that YoYo Games is teaming up with Nintendo to create a special edition of GameMaker Studio 2 which supports the creation of Nintendo Switch games: https://venturebeat.com/2018/03/08/nint ... is-summer/

    It seems Nintendo is more than happy to work with indie game developers and bring more games to the platform created using tools like GameMaker Studio.

    In light of this news, is Scirra planning on implementing support for the Nintendo Switch and is it a priority?

    On another forum someone mentioned Switch is already getting crowded with indiegames and the switch e-store seems not to be easy to find games.

    I have no switch or switch e-store experience.

  • This is long overdue and needs to happen. Devs on other tools got a nice head start on us already, I feel in order for Construct to be a viable tool for serious development console support is a MUST, one way or another (and sooner rather than later). C2 was supported on the WiiU and Switch is way more powerful with a more advanced (albeit hidden) browser, so zero reason this can't happen technically.

    Good job joelmayer starting the petition, signed the second I saw it and I'll be contacting Nintendo directly requesting this too. Let's do this!

  • Would you please sign my petition?


  • I think C3 should be marketed as "the best engine to make web games". So it would avoid such spectation. Supporting any additional platform would be a bonus.

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  • Renfd Or better yet, Scirra & Nintendo devise a solution for bringing Construct games to the platform.

    75 developers have already signed the petition in a couple of days, so demand is clearly there. Why settle for web games when Construct can achieve so much more.

  • Just a thought, why don't Scirra and the community go together and create a native C-something / Vulkan or OpenGL translator/export controller together with Nintendos SDK? Sure external plugins will not work as long as they are not converted, and it would be a community driven effort. (this seems harder to do with C3 since the code is more closed off)

    I have a lot of people around me with Switch Dev kits. (My friend Pedro, Bad North etc) it's not very hard getting hold of one as long as you have a quality game to showcase for Nintendo.

    I think there's one big caveat with web framework, and why Nintendo is being restrictive about it, is security. Looking back at the vita and other devices, the browser has been the main target of bypassing security by transferring payloads onto the device.

    As a power user I love Construct due to its simplicity, fast load times, and resource effective way to handling 2D games. (Unity and Unreal are just too heavy for 2D games, and game maker is a joke to be honest)

    I can understand that it is not in Scirras interest to openly share your code or business, but finding ways to work together could help C3 excel as a product.

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