Is Construct 3 right for my top down looter shooter multiplayer game?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I've been making games for years now, and have been programming for work for 12 years. I was reading up that C3 multiplayer has had improvements, but it's still not going to offer a low latency experience (and even photon can have lag). So I saw a post mention that doing your own thing through WebSockets and Node.JS backend is the best way to implement multiplayer.

    I will be offering 4 or 5 players navigating around a layout that is 10kx10k, I'm confident I can make my own, but I'd rather use easier tools to speed things up as I'm doing everything on my own. Has C3 multiplayer plugins or options improved? or should I create my own server setup since I have the knowledge/ability.

    I'm also trying to export the game to steam, steam deck, possibly mobiles at some point. Does C3 have Xbox/PS integration yet, or SteamOS for that matter?


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  • (I haven't used these much so I'm not sure how useful I'll be, this is probably a question for the more advanced users, but I'll try)

    The built-in multiplayer plugin is definitely better for turn-based games or games that don't suffer from latency, because it will always have some sort of latency no matter what, which can suck for competitive games like you described. I don't know much about photon or node.js, so i won't say anything about that.

    As for those exporting options, consoles require third-party services to transfer the game to consoles (such as Chowdren). I think you can export to steam (I think using NW.js, i may be wrong), but I have no idea about steam deck. Exporting to mobile is an easy option, too. Construct is great at exporting for mobile.

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