Use Case for Dynamic Layers?

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  • Hey yall, Ive been recently learning more about Dynamic layers but to be honest i dont fully understand... when to use them?

    At first I thought it would be great to setup a bunch of global layers for different UI screens and keep them all in a standalone layout / a single spot which would make it a ton easier to reuse ui across projects as you could basically be building a 'master ui template' for games that use a similar ui, and then just load up the screens / layers as i need them / remove them as theyre done.

    That said after digging it does look like Dynamic layers actually support Global layers so now im left wondering... what are they for? I cant really think of an example where I'd want to dynamically generate a layer other than just to put everything in a "bucket" that i can then quickly remove / destroy?

    Anyone have an example of how they're using Dynamic Layers? (System > Add Layer / System > Remove Layer).

    Thanks! ❤️

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