Anyone having problem with rejected from Apple because of "hidden features"

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  • Hello,

    I got a big problem. Since I purchased Construct 3, I create total 3 games and try to submit to Appstore.

    All 3 got reject, the 3rd got reject today and other still waiting for response to clarify reject reason. The first 1 is month of waiting for response now.

    Problem is that all the reject is because of:

    Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance

    We discovered that your app contains hidden features. Attempting to hide features, functionality or content in your app is considered egregious behavior and can lead to removal from the Apple Developer Program.

    - I try to give Apple all source code, (c3p and exported project), ask them to see and still no response.

    - I try to contact Construct support team, give them c3p and they says no problem and they do not hear any submit issue like me, so they can't help.

    I'm using no 3rd party-plugin, just all built-in and latest from Construct.

    All contents, resources is either self created or CC license.

    I'm just using Construct to create, export to xcode, build and submit, nothing else, no additional code.

    No I'm stuck with this infinitive loop, pay for editor, enroll program, spent months creating submit and got all rejects.

    Anyone else having the same problem submit to appstore?

    If yes, how could you solve it?

    I'm confused and do not know what to do now.

  • The message typically has a sentence after that which elaborate specifically what you were rejected for.

    Almost always it is to do with money or gambling - does your app have microtransactions?

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  • I'm with Elliott, perhaps you have some assets that can be misconstrued, web calls you aren't using directly etc.

    I suspect they see a callout to an API and think you're up to no good. Giving apple your C3p file won't do a thing, they won't look at it ever. You should be able to get more info based on the reject.

    Apple historically has driven me nuts with vague rejections and its been trial and error to find out what it is!

  • I'm with Elliott, perhaps you have some assets that can be misconstrued, web calls you aren't using directly etc.

    I suspect they see a callout to an API and think you're up to no good. Giving apple your C3p file won't do a thing, they won't look at it ever. You should be able to get more info based on the reject.

    Apple historically has driven me nuts with vague rejections and its been trial and error to find out what it is!


    I integrate mobile ads, which load behind but not showing and only showing at the right time. Do you think that it is problem?

    Otherwise, I do not have any web call or anything else. Just built-in plugin for normal platform game.

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