Am I asking too many questions?

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  • 6 posts
  • Hello, so my first level of the game is coming along, I use the tutorials and you tube videos for a bit of guidance. When I get really stuck I ask questions on here, recently its been one or two a day.

    I do try and learn myself, but when people help on here it often brings new insight, the community is really helpful and I am grateful for that. I think because I am starting out there are big knowledge gaps, although I am improving, I am still very much a beginner

    I just don't want to annoy anyone by posting too many questions.

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  • Is that ANOTHER question? Lol jk. Questions are fine. I see you post in C3 which doesn't have the 'beginner's questions' area that C2 has and is more hidden for asking the more basic questions. Maybe they should add beginner's area for C3. There is also a discord server where you can ask for assistance.

  • lol Cheers Plikie,

    You and a few others have been instrumental to my learning. I think i am coming along leaps and bounds.

    I agree, a designated beginners area would be fab. It is hard to get to grips with and can be frustrating when things don't work. Maybe I have too high expectations for my self.

  • hey freddy, c3 yea doesn't have the beginner area yet, but you can find more tutorials examples and stuff on youtube, and even C2 beginner area, C2 and C3 are very similar, almost identical with a few changes that are making them somewhat very different, but those changes are not about how the logic of the game creation is more of features like official plugins different platform exporting and so on.

    so if u find a tutorial for C2 it should work for C3 as well...

    however if u want C3 specific stuff u can find some on the FAQ area C3 dissecting tutorials and examples should bring you up to speed, also make sure you keep an eye on the learn section on top of website you can find the manual the official youtube channel and other cool stuff there that helps your learning get up to speed.

    Welcome to the construct community ^_^!

  • hey freddy, c3 yea doesn't have the beginner area yet, but you can find more tutorials examples and stuff on youtube, and even C2 beginner area, C2 and C3 are very similar, almost identical with a few changes that are making them somewhat very different, but those changes are not about how the logic of the game creation is more of features like official plugins different platform exporting and so on.

    so if u find a tutorial for C2 it should work for C3 as well...

    however if u want C3 specific stuff u can find some on the FAQ area C3 dissecting tutorials and examples should bring you up to speed, also make sure you keep an eye on the learn section on top of website you can find the manual the official youtube channel and other cool stuff there that helps your learning get up to speed.

    Welcome to the construct community ^_^!

  • hey freddy, c3 yea doesn't have the beginner area yet, but you can find more tutorials examples and stuff on youtube, and even C2 beginner area, C2 and C3 are very similar, almost identical with a few changes that are making them somewhat very different, but those changes are not about how the logic of the game creation is more of features like official plugins different platform exporting and so on.

    so if u find a tutorial for C2 it should work for C3 as well...

    however if u want C3 specific stuff u can find some on the FAQ area C3 dissecting tutorials and examples should bring you up to speed, also make sure you keep an eye on the learn section on top of website you can find the manual the official youtube channel and other cool stuff there that helps your learning get up to speed.

    Welcome to the construct community ^_^!

    Thanks buddy, I will keep looking over these things and trying to dissect everything. I think this might be a long hard road. But I am enjoying it.

    I was recently playing ori and the blind forest and I was blowin away. Its nice to have the excitement for inspiration.

    Thanks for all your help :-)

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