Who's knocking the door?

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From the Asset Store
The package contains 105 sounds This sound library is perfect for voicing mechanical doors in your Sci-Fi game.
  • Hello,

    This is my very first game based on the Memory game tutorial. We plan to target 2-8 years old children in combination with story books, games, colorings. We plan to publish in web and Android.

    Who's knocking the door - Memory game

    Thanks in advance for all Your feedback and ideas!

  • Excellent, for your audience you have done a really nice job - the artwork is fantastic.

    You might want to consider changing your music to something that children might identify with a bit more. Something simple - maybe even something they can sing along with.

    The only other suggestion is to add the sounds of the animals when you open their door.

    Really good job, I hope you do well.

  • Thank You for Your kind feedback GenkiGenga! You are right about the bg music, we will look for something non so banal, but famous enough to let children sing.

    The custom match sound are in my TODO list already, but I've increased the priority, cause this may give a little more interest for children.

    I have also a bug in my list... there is a random like, but really not random bug when after a match one of the doors do not destroy.

    It's wonderful to get feedback and ideas from people who's doing this business much longer, and have much more xp. in it. C2 community is the king. :)

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  • Nice work. Very simple but the graphics are colourful enough to keep a young audience entertained for some time.

  • Thnaks simwhi! I'm a real beginner in game dev, so the target must be reasonable... :) Make it simple, and easy to use even by yound children.

  • I had a good look at your website. I wish you all the best in writing more games in the future. I am an educator and game developer too, so I am very interested in what other developers are doing in this area.

  • simwhi Thanks, I'll do my best to keep the quality in game dev with my wife's illustration artwork this whole project is based on.

  • Excellent work! I've been working on a concentration/card-matching game as well. Nice to see others doing likewise.

    As the saying goes, great minds do think like me! ;)

  • Ugotsta thank You for yout very kind words! :)

    I have done 99% of the debuging process, now we will work on the design and small things, like a little helper character who says to click on a level, and after a highscore will show that this is recorded in the Menu screen.

    Thinking about little animations, a better BG music - what GenkiGenga recommended - and several sfx (for a washing machine, and for the card figures if matched).

    So I can not imagine a final publish date yet... :)

    Do You have any experience if it is good to publish an initial version and after 1-2weeks publish an update? I think this update can not delete highscores, what are stored in cookies. Thinking about Android start too, I read that here in Android Market it may be a good practice to update in every 3-4 weeks to get more attention.

  • I'm not sure about the Android market myself but in general, it's good practice to make constant updates to show you're active as the developer. It's one of the great reasons so many of us use Construct, because it's actively maintained.

    As for the high scores, if you're using the web local storage to store the scores, they will be maintained in the browser for as long as the user doesn't delete them. You'll just need to use the same string to access them.

  • Ugotsta thanks for the confirmation, we published the game in our website. It's very-very hard to find a great and fitting bg music, so we rolled out, and will spet further without it.

  • This game is great for kids, if my kid was older I'd definitely have him play this one. I'm a grown-up and still find it a addictive

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The music is hard to find, let us know how it works out for you (I think the current music is just fine btw).

    Some general feedback related to your site - it seems to be quite slow for me.

    One question: do you plan on monetizing the site, stories, games etc?

  • Thank you Geo! :)

    I have some interesting hours to find a really good bg music. I'm looking for something that is not fix with just this game, but can be a general theme for the Crocodile books planned interactive versions too.

    I have some favourites, but all of them costs about 50-100USD, and did not discovered the full background of the licenses - can I use the song unlimited in all platforms, or just limited. It's good that C2 team wrote infos about why C2 uses ogg+mp4 and not mp3, but in the other hand we need to see clear where we can buy tracks that meet all of the low requirments. Hard task!:)

    Site speed: I've disable the Super Cache plugin cause of developement of the site. It will help to speed it up to about 1-2sec of "start render" time for first view.

    About the monetizing: its a hard question. To tell the true, we hope that someday we can earn some money with our work. But I cant tell you a business strategy, cause there isnt one... :) There is possibility to place ads in apps/games/website, to sell the stories, games in app store, and maybe the best thing could happen to find a sponsor for the whole project.

    Our actual goal is to publish several games and several books, and finally make a budle for the 1st book with games in an app (mainly Android).

    Till than we just hope to get more and more feedback, and I need to tell You, that the C2 community is already motivated Us (me and my wife too)!

  • Personally I wish you guys the best success! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    In my (quite limited) experience Android Market ("Google Play") is no different than any other portal or market, i.e. the app is just one app between thousands or millions of other apps, it gets installed every now and then but that's it.

    If anything, Android Market is worse than other markets or portals, because Android Market doesn't have a "latest" category which most portals or stores get and which helps give you an initial boost at least, while the app is on the front "latest" page.

    I think we game developers are too much focused on the "creating the value" part of the deal, and tend to ignore the "reach" (or "delivering the value") part, i.e. we create value but virtually noone gets it (other game developers are usually NOT our target audience <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />). Most of us **** at marketing (not all, but most).

    I hope you'll keep sharing your findings and progress.


  • Yes, Geo the Googla Market/Play is not the best place from this viewpoint, but is the information source of other services, like Appbrain or other feeders/redistributors. Appbrain - and I think lots of other similar services - have latest category. The only way to get there is to go to the GPlay, caouse all app infos are live updated from there.

    We will see, I may share some experience about that here.

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