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  • Wow! ,Nice work torguen.Keep it up.

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  • <img src="">

    inspired from Arc aether Anomalies

    Very nice, Abhilash--the entire look is very sterile, clean, and inspiring! Good luck

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    A Mini Metroid Adventure (or Minitroid..whatdya think?) is my first major Construct project. I don't have a plot yet but it's pretty fun :3

    Amusing, I was making a tiny metroid game in Construct too, a while ago.

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    Its called Binary Ball, the story is you play as a Anti-Virus Program called "Binary Ball", which was created by the government and sent to a beta tester. The reason the government made this is cause a new "Super-Virus" that hasn't been named yet was created, and could crash all computers worldwide. Binary Ball also has a Extremely Good A.I., so it can operate the computer all on its own, and figure out if something is actually a virus or not.

    Gameplay is where you have to get to the exit portal in a level, by solving puzzles and killing all the viruses in the level. There are also boss-viruses, such as the Trojan-horse, and rootkit viruses.

    That light in the last picture is one of the many Energy abilities I plan to make for the game. That one not only helps see in the dark, but it also helps find Hidden Objects.

    I only made this level as a test. It might or might not be part of the actual game. xD

    Hope you like!

  • Due orion

    I am still having troubles with some coding issues, but until i resolve them i made some graphics for the interface, and some ships and stuff.

    From alpha version:

    <img src="">

    Interface stuff:

    cleared up interface:

    I am still pondering about how should the interface be arranged, althought i still dont know this early what controls and info will be displayed on the interface so it is not a final look. Im sorry if the pictures are a bit high res, but im making the game in a high wide res...

  • Project Osmose :

  • Still working on Half Life 2D, just finished my new HUD.

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  • Shadf, that's looks cool

    Makes me curious about gameplay

    Any chance you can upload a video?

  • Looks nice ShadF.

  • New project im working on-

    2D game builder

    Allows you easily build great looking 2d games.

    (Currently only from within construct)

    <img src="">

  • Agilis

    <img src="">

  • CrudeMik, i am really loving the art style you have there! Its just so... clean and refreshing somehow.

  • CrudeMik, i am really loving the art style you have there! Its just so... clean and refreshing somehow.

    Thanks man, all the art is very place-holder at the moment, I **** at art so kept it simple but I do like the style. Thanks go to Shviller for his Outline Occluded effect. But I think I'll stick to the style or see what my Graphic Designer says lol.

    Got a little video of this level up here:

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    Between last weekend and this weekend I made an Easy To Use Dungeon and Maze Generator plugin. See Completed Addons for release.

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    Between last weekend and this weekend I made an Easy To Use Dungeon and Maze Generator plugin. See Completed Addons for release.

    Awesome Luomu, that turned out freakin' sweet... I've been watching the progress of this plugin with eagerness.

    Looks like a very polished plugin now, thanks a lot for adding something so cool and useful


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