Loading the Game

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Progress\Loading Bar. Now Load you game like a Professional.
  • Hey fellow game enthusiasts!

    After five thousand years of development and an overwhelming amount of shedded blood, sweat and tears, I finally present Alpha Build 1.0 of my current project, called 'Loading the Game'.

    Loading the Game is a one-of-a-kind humorous puzzle game, in which you are confronted with... well, with a loading screen - and a loading screen fanatic! You will be trying to cancel the screen while a narrative voice is manipulating you. Be smart and escape!

    After several years of developing and publishing smaller mobile games and gaining some experience, this is my first big project. I've spend much of my free time designing this game and I hope that someone might like it.

    • Creative puzzle elements
    • Funny story, puns and guns
    • Sharks, pretty women and lots of cool stuff!


    This is Alpha Build 1.0 . The final version will contain much more content. Your feedback is needed! What can we improve?

    Please do not use Internet Explorer! Works fine with Firefox and Chrome.

  • Nice work, mate! That was really fun!

    Would love to play the full game.

    Is there any way I can interact with the ladies?

  • Nice work, mate! That was really fun!

    Would love to play the full game.

    Is there any way I can interact with the ladies?

    Ha ha ha, that is actually a great idea! I will incorporate some kind of interaction with the ladies in the next version.

    Glad you like it!

  • Love the game!! Was laughing so hard at that Clampy guy! Keep up the good work

  • I will incorporate some kind of interaction with the ladies in the next version.

    I kinda liked the chubby one

    Also, maybe consider adding some choices for the player which lead to different sequence of events, to increase replay value.

  • Wicked....

  • Hi CreativeMind nice game reminds me of there is no game!

  • > I will incorporate some kind of interaction with the ladies in the next version.


    I kinda liked the chubby one

    Also, maybe consider adding some choices for the player which lead to different sequence of events, to increase replay value.

    I've thought about building different endings or changing the sequence of events in the middle of the game, while the latter is much harder to do. Maybe I'll finish a fixed storyline first and then look where I can pour some variation in.

    Alright, chubby one gets extra animations, too.

    Hi CreativeMind nice game reminds me of there is no game!

    Indeed, in the first scene I drew some inspiration from 'There is no game' (which is an incredibly awesome game!). While doing so, I tried not to copy the gameplay and build my own ideas into it. I think it's pretty lame to simply copy other peoples ideas.

  • Witch layout. What might she possibly be cooking?

  • Looks rad. When will the next update be released?

  • saharasahara I decided to skip all minor bug fix versions und jump straight ahead to alpha build 2.0 . As there will be many layous (similar to Jaws.exe), it only makes sense to release the next build once there is a consistent gameplay experience.

    I'd say in about 2 months, the next update will be released, offering much more content than there is right now. I hope I can make it sooner! Stay tuned!

  • Loading The Game is making major progress! I hope to be able to offer lots of new content soon, it's hard to make a reliable time estimate.

    You'll encounter the Snack-O-Mat, which delivers delicious snacks to people with enough money.

  • After a long time of programming, alpha build 2.0 is finally here!

    Play now:


    The game is about 70% finished, there are still a few things to come. You can even support us on Kickstarter to make sure it gets finished:


    Please let me know what you think of the new version!

  • Check out the new trailer for the latest version of Loading the Game:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The last Kickstarter campaign did not go too well. I hope this will change with this awesome new trailer!

    Please consider supporting this game on Kickstarter:


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  • Hiya,

    No offense, but the target of E4000+ is, in my opinion, just way too steep for a game in its current graphical state. They look, and again that's just my opinion, not really professional. Also, maybe, it's supposed to be that way, but the Windows XP setting is ofcourse outdated, perhaps upgrade those graphics to make it more relatable. So to the current Windows 10 version.

    So you know, you really got to make a BIG impression, and obviously, if possible, have a reasonable following that will spread the word for you and back you up, if you want to have any chance at reaching the first goal on Kickstarter.

    I can't speak from experience, but this seems obvious to me, which is probably why your last Kickstarter failed.

    Keep working on your games! :)

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