Twine [plugin]

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The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • If you're not familiar with Twine then you can check it out here. It's an excellent, simple and open-source dialogue generation and management program designed to make it easy for you to create complex game dialogues.

    This plugin allows you to import numerous stories into an array and then easily follow the dialogue flow you designed in Twine. This plugin also includes XOR encryption so you can import encrypted files with your project - and the text won't be decrypted until you demand it. It's not CIA proof, but it'll do for most situations.

    This is still a work-in-progress. I want to figure a way of including variables syntax in the text field because the JSON export method appears to limit the available features... But it's working alright so far and, perhaps that should be for an update, depending on interest etc.

    Take a look at the demo.

    Any ideas of features to include - now's a good time!! Cheers.

  • this is a fantastic idea.

    so you input the whole thing into an array, but do you offer Actions and Events in order to leverage the power of Twine? I assume the answer is yes.

    So there will be a global pointer that always knows where you are in the story? will there be a SendBranch action that can pickup in the middle of a 'story'? or be able to jump over points?

  • this is a fantastic idea.

    so you input the whole thing into an array, but do you offer Actions and Events in order to leverage the power of Twine? I assume the answer is yes.

    So there will be a global pointer that always knows where you are in the story? will there be a SendBranch action that can pickup in the middle of a 'story'? or be able to jump over points?

    Thanks jobel and, to answer all of your questions: yes!

    I am just finalizing a method of special syntax, borrowed from some ideas used in Twine and also in Yarn. What I want to do is provide a simple syntax just to expand the capability of the plugin by allowing you to add variables in the node text. So, to declare a variable you could use:

    myVar 100

    The plugin recognizes the ">>" as a variable declaration and after the whitespace is the returned value.

    So, with Tags and variables I think it will be possible to make some complicated decision flows for a game.

    But there is still more work I need to do on this to make it truly useful...

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  • Any ideas of features to include - now's a good time!!


    For a modern quest, it would be nice to attach objects to the logical structure. Somehow

  • repkino - I like it! How would you like this to be done? You could add an object name as a Tag as it currently stands, or would you like a special syntax to indicate an object link (via object variable) that would then have an event to declare that specific value / values?

    To mark it in the text it could use something like a double hash:



  • The second way seems to me to give more freedom. Can you save both? )

    Plus the tag for the text "is visible only in the editor". Something like that

  • Just drawing up the second option method now! The events will have access to all tags, variables and object references that are constructed inside Twine. As the plugin scans the text for these values they are removed - and that is done by removing all text after the first declaration. So none of it will be displayed in the in-game text - you'll just have to remember to declare variables etc after the end of the text or bits will get stripped out.

  • An object can have its own complex appearance mechanics. If the plugin will refer through the text to the object variable, this will already be enough. You know better how it will be convenient visually )

    Something can be said for certain only in the process of using.

    upd. perhaps it makes sense to add a direct function call?

  • repkino - a direct function call method is an excellent idea. I will add it, so you can set function name and any number of parameters to pass.

  • That's a lovely endeavor !

    Do you plan to make a C3 version ?

  • That's a lovely endeavor !

    Do you plan to make a C3 version ?

    Thanks - and Yes! I don't think anything in this plugin will conflict with the new runtime.

  • Lovely ! Any news soon ?

  • Hopefully in the next day or two I'm just doing a full set of tests and code-tidying before release.

  • Thanks !

  • Twine plugin is now available in the store here!!

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