How do i update APK in GOOGLE PLAY??

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  • Hello everyone! i got a big problem!

    we upload a flappy game the last week and now we just uploaded a new update to the game and its had been 4 days and there is no change in the google play market, we added a new version, the last version was and now we just uploaded the and in the developer panel, the app appear like "published" :/ also my app have 190+ downloads but in google play appear +0 downloads :/

    there is no way to contact google, dont know why but im trying to do it since 2 days ago :C

    someone can help me with this huge problem ? please

  • Maybe this could explain it ?

    I have no other idea sorry, every publishing I've done on google play went well with the same steps as yours.

  • Hmm, this is interesting. You would think google would at least tell you, "Hey, your game was rejected"

  • Maybe this could explain it ?

    I have no other idea sorry, every publishing I've done on google play went well with the same steps as yours.

    hehe thats not 100% true, the creator of flappy bird said that everyone can make a own flappy game.

    also, flappy bird is no more in the stores and there is no way to get sued by creating a Flappy, if someone wants to sue someone for creating a Flappy Game, then everyone who create a Towers Deffense, Rice Car game should be sued too, that new is kind of a lie you know?

    also, my game was uploaded 2 times cause i got a problem at the firts try and my game its pretty different of every flappy ever invented in the stores, well, at least in the new update which will have a lot of new stuff like costume your flappy penguin with hats and clothes and random generated world, not just 1 pipe (in this case is an iceberg).

    and no, my game wasnt rejected, its in the stores, the problem right now is that i dont know why its takes to long to be updated in the stores.

    this is my game: ... ppyPenguin

    in the its just a normal flappy but its kind of faster,

    now in the next update that will come, it will be very different but the problem if that the update was uploaded 4 days ago and google play doesnt updated it.


  • lol by magic the game was updated

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  • Google Play sometimes take a few days to update, it varies a lot, 30 mins is the fastest I've seen it.

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