So when the player collects the in game object he will start to glow but initially there is a sprite (Glowing sprite) that follows him every tick (Player.X,Player.Y) and is set invisible. When he collects that object it will add one to an instance variable in the glowing sprite. After if the glow instance variable is equal to one it will set the glowing sprite visible but it doesn't
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You can change the condition to : glow instance > 0, glow visible glow instance <= 0, glow invisible Right now the every tick make your glow always invisible. Cheers
You can change the condition to :
glow instance > 0, glow visible
glow instance <= 0, glow invisible
Right now the every tick make your glow always invisible.
It still doesn't work :(
I did the same and it works fine.
Did you check the opacity ?
Above CAPX works fine, I have checked
nvm i got it working :)