How do I mirror an object and return it to its original state?

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State Machine
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  • Hello, I'm trying to mirror an object in any way possible and it doesn't seem to work. I have tried the mirrored actions and also multiplying the width * -1. Nothing seems to work. Is there a way to set the rotation of an object?


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  • Hi, could you provide some sort of visual aid like a screen capture of the code and layout?

    It's easier to help if we can actually see the moving parts.

  • Hi, could you provide some sort of visual aid like a screen capture of the code and layout?

    It's easier to help if we can actually see the moving parts.

    For some reason the `-OriginalWidth` value works while the `OriginalWidth` value should work. I essentially mirror the object at all times and it works. XD I think this is bug or I might have missed something but `-OriginalWidth` should mirror the object right?

  • Well, as I said, it's difficult to help without having something more concrete to look at.

    It should be a simple enough problem to solve given we can see what you're doing.

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