Keep images from being stolen?

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From the Asset Store
500 monsters and creatures images for card games - Set 1
  • Hello,

    I exported a Construct 2 game to HTML 5 and uploaded it to a personal server. I noticed all of the images are publicly accessible in http://<game web address>/images.

    How can I setup the images where only the game can access them?



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  • Who could steal sprite sheet images?

  • Hello,

    I exported a Construct 2 game to HTML 5 and uploaded it to a personal server. I noticed all of the images are publicly accessible in http://<game web address>/images.

    How can I setup the images where only the game can access them?



    You can set this up your hosting, if supported.

    Or you could add a htaccess file with the right entries to prevent direct folder access.

  • lennaert Thanks I will look into htacess.

    Joannesalfa It's not just about the sprite sheets. I don't want someone to lift my entire game. It's obviously super amazing and original. ;)

    Or I just wanted to learn more about html5. :)

  • don't want someone to lift my entire game.

    To some extent, you will have to live with that possibility.

  • I doubt anyone would steal a hobby project. But there has to be a standard way to protect assets from HTML5 games.

  • There is none.

    If you can see it in a browser, you can download it. Some people obfuscate their code, with varying success, but your graphic assets are only protected by copyright laws, not physical means.

  • If they want to steal they will, as they can always Print Screen the website.

  • drop a blank index.html file into that folder before uploading to server. Or add the line <p>Images folder moved to aws</p> inside html file.

    But if they want to get images they will and very easily by pressing F12 and saving them all along with all your code. THey can download your whole game and host it elsewhere too.

    Downside of html5 games. But they can steal any game on the planet, no matter how much security the game developers put in. So don't worry about it - they will steal it, but how you incorp that into your marketing plan is up to you.

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