Issue with fonts?

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  • I'm currently trying to upload a ttf file to my font folder to get a custom font in game, but no matter how many times I upload them they always end up as a generic font.

    I downloaded the family from google fonts then extracted them to my folder and imported the ttf into construct but it still isn't working-- if anyone has any experience in this area, advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm in a time crunch!


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  • I don't ususally use Google Fonts so this may not be a big help, but here are some possible reasons / tips:

    1) check to see if the Text object has the Font property set to whatever font you want.

    2) It could perhaps be an issue with Google Fonts. I like to use FontStruct, you can make and download fonts and import as a .ttf file, and I've never had issues with it.

    3) This isn't likely, but it could be an issue with the editor or the device. Maybe the editor doesn't preview correctly?

    Maybe share a screenshot of more details to make it easier to find the problem.

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