Compare random objects with different Instance Variable

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  • Hello, i have some objects, for example 4, every object have a different instance variables, and two of these appear in the layout randomly.

    Please I need to compare when you click on one of the two objects in the layout with the other object in the layout. Thanks for the help.

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  • what do you want to achieve?, do you have 4 instances of the same object or 4 different objects?, don't get confused, they mean 2 different things?

  • what do you want to achieve?, do you have 4 instances of the same object or 4 different objects?, don't get confused, they mean 2 different things?

    I have 4 different objects , each with its own instance variable

  • if you have a license you can try placing the 4 objects into a family, and compare (I don't know what) the clicked object with the family.

    If you don't, try using 2 global variables.. set them when the objects appear/are created, one per object.

    Since I don't know what you are trying to compare, or what to do next I can't give you a practical answer...

    You can also use the "pick all"condition and referece the 4 objects, then check the variable

  • Ok, to make this easier, i'm going to explain my game. This is a kids game, every object has a draw with a number 1,2,3,4,5... Two of these objects spawn randomly and the kid need to choose the higher number. How can i do that?

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