blood splatter

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  • I have asked this before, but I can never properly create the effect I want. Does anyone know how the blood stains on the ground/walls work for super meat boy? As he collides with the ground or wall, blood splatters within a specific radius, such as the ground or the wall, or even both when in a corner.

    Or does anyone know the logic behind the blood splatter type explosion effect in the construct 2 game,Catharsis created by Awakening in Scirra?

    Here's the link:

    I'm assuming he used the particle objects? But then again I'm not to sure.

    I'm just looking for ideas on making a blood explosion/splatter effect and was hoping someone with more experience in gorey games, or has general knowledge can help me?

    Any logic,theories,examples would be appreciated

  • I'm sure that could provide some input, but a very simple method would be to make your own particle system using lots small red blobs or pixel clusters with the bullet behaviour (maybe throw in some gravity, too). Run a repeat loop a good number of times to spawn these objects in a semi-random direction whenever you want some blood spray. Lastly, stop the objects in their tracks whenever they collide with the platform - introducing a degree of randomness with a very brief age timer to determine how far "into" the platform the blood penetrates.

    Edit: thought this was a fun idea so I made a quick little file to show you what I mean: arrow keys to move, space to splat

    Obviously it's not very performance friendly - it's generating hundreds of objects every time, but with some age culling and mixing in larger chunks with the small ones (by randomly choosing an animation on creation), you could probably get some decent spatter coverage.

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  • WOW nice!! This is exactly what I was looking for!

    I think in terms of performance it has better fps then the general particle object and its definitely a great start, thanks for sharing

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Also it runs really smooth if the blood is set to fade, so I think I'll use this method <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I'm sure that could provide some input, but a very simple method would be to make your own particle system using lots small red blobs or pixel clusters with the bullet behaviour (maybe throw in some gravity, too). Run a repeat loop a good number of times to spawn these objects in a semi-random direction whenever you want some blood spray. Lastly, stop the objects in their tracks whenever they collide with the platform - introducing a degree of randomness with a very brief age timer to determine how far "into" the platform the blood penetrates.

    Edit: thought this was a fun idea so I made a quick little file to show you what I mean: arrow keys to move, space to splat

    Obviously it's not very performance friendly - it's generating hundreds of objects every time, but with some age culling and mixing in larger chunks with the small ones (by randomly choosing an animation on creation), you could probably get some decent spatter coverage.

  • Hi,

    Here is a small AI demo I made , it has a lot of the decals you are talking about:

    I use Blender for the animated stuff. Check out the fluid simulator if you want to make splatters, splats, and all kinds of neat fluid effects.

    Most of the game engines I have used in the past call them decals, or projections. Google with those terms, and the fluid you are trying to make might be helpful.

    For the most part I use blender for that stuff.

  • Hey GeometriX, retrodude,

    Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, hope you don't mind.

    I've been trying to use particles to create a splatter effect myself, but I didn't like the results!

    Wanted to check out GeometriX's example, but the link seems to be dead! Any chance one of you could post it again for me?

    Thanks a bunch    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Pantaloons No problem. I've still got the example, just rearranged my Dropbox folder a bit since I originally posted. Here's the current link.

  • GeometriX, thanks very much! I really appreciate the help    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Bumping old thread again.

    The shown example works with keyboard, but whenever I assign it to: ... on collision with ->loop x times

    ... It does create x amount of bullets, but the angle is almost all the same. Its as if it doesn't read this event properly. Only on couple of odd occasions I have seen this work. Gravity is also 0, could this affect it?

    I could do this with particles (already did in other occasions) but I want the particles to do some damage.

  • Is there a way that the blood could splatter on the surface of the block only?

  • i like to know that too

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