how do i make an attack animation?

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Zombie attack is a survival game, where you have 2 types of games: Killer and survival.
  • i made walking and jumping animations, but, when i coded the attack animation

    /on left button clicked

    /is animation "attack" NOT playing

    ----set animation "attack" (play from beginning)

    but, when i am walking or jumping while clicking the animation doesen't play, it only plays when i am on the falling state, i tried several tutorials, but it never works, i really need help, if you've got the correct code or an solution i would be very thankful.

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  • Because the other conditions are true for walking and jumping I guess. You have to make it so they don't conflict and play at the same time. If attack is the overruling animation when you left click then on the conditions for walk and jump you need to add a condition 'attack animation is not playing'.

  • Because the other conditions are true for walking and jumping I guess. You have to make it so they don't conflict and play at the same time. If attack is the overruling animation when you left click then on the conditions for walk and jump you need to add a condition 'attack animation is not playing'.

    meh it doesent work, fuck it im gonna drop it, i can't even program man

  • Let's see a screenshot of your events for the other animations

  • ok so what do you need to know is that "pulando" is the jump aniamtion "andando" is the walking animation and the attack animation is "ataque" also focus on the "jogador 1" animations because the "jogador 2" animations are for a NPC that follows the player

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