New CocoonJS plugin from Ludei! Open source!

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10 Orchestral Soundtracks / ~2 mins each / 11 audio clips in total
  • thesecretweapon try using a loader layout and see if that helps, I think it does with my games ... ng-screens

  • thesecretweapon try using a loader layout and see if that helps, I think it does with my games ... ng-screens

    This is what I found there:


    Note a few limitations on using loader layouts:

    1. Loader layouts are not shown when publishing as native apps on mobile (e.g. via PhoneGap, CocoonJS and appMobi). This is because the entire application is downloaded at once. Since all files are immediately available, nothing needs to be downloaded. For these platforms you probably want to focus on a custom splash image instead.

    Since the loader is never shown when exported using CocoonJS, does it make sense to just make a blank loader layout without graphics just to test if the Ludei logo stops flickering or not?

  • thesecretweapon

    hm. actually it does show up on Cocoonjs, at least in my apps

  • thesecretweapon

    hm. actually it does show up on Cocoonjs, at least in my apps

    You can add a custom splash screen at the dashboard of ludei's cloud compiler, but this will not remove the ludei splash screen.

    I have 4 games using cocoonJS and at one the logo flickers for a very short time (almost not recognizable) but for other games it flickers 1-2 seconds. I'm not sure if this is a problem with any settings of the game or a basically issue of the cloud compiler.

    Edit: Ok i tried a game of ludei and the logo doesn't flicker at all. So it has to be a issue with the game configuration, some events or plugins or a basically problem of the combination of C2 and cocoonjs.

    Just strange.

  • > thesecretweapon

    > hm. actually it does show up on Cocoonjs, at least in my apps


    You can add a custom splash screen at the dashboard of ludei's cloud compiler, but this will not remove the ludei splash screen.

    I have 4 games using cocoonJS and at one the logo flickers for a very short time (almost not recognizable) but for other games it flickers 1-2 seconds. I'm not sure if this is a problem with any settings of the game or a basically issue of the cloud compiler.

    Edit: Ok i tried a game of ludei and the logo doesn't flicker at all. So it has to be a issue with the game configuration, some events or plugins or a basically problem of the combination of C2 and cocoonjs.

    Just strange.

    AndreasR russpuppy When I enable "Use custom loader" in project properties, the ludei cloud compiler fails to compile. The compiler status turns red and I get an email which says that the compilation failed. Upon disabling custom loader and deleting the custom loader layout, the compiler works fine. I am using the latest 2.0.2 compiler.

  • AndreasR russpuppy When I enable "Use custom loader" in project properties, the ludei cloud compiler fails to compile. The compiler status turns red and I get an email which says that the compilation failed. Upon disabling custom loader and deleting the custom loader layout, the compiler works fine. I am using the latest 2.0.2 compiler.

    I also use loader layouts for my games and compile these with cocoonJS. Never got any errors. Try to uncheck 'minify script' this causes the most issues, espeacially with the cocoonJS plugin.

  • ashar

    I've never used a webview, I've always done canvas+

    Not sure, I would just recommend making sure you've followed every step in this tutorial: ... b-cocoonjs

    I think there's actually maybe a better tutorial around but I don't remember where to find it

    the problem with both tutorials is that MoPub has changed since this tutorial came out.. i have two aps in mopub but only one ad Unit show in mopub Network

  • igalencar you can use a single MoPub/AdMob ad unit for all your games if you want. Is not against AdMob policy. Also...about MoPub several weeks ago MoPub remobed 2 of my games but they notify me by email before. I am waiting for Crosswalk to integrate Ads and leave MoPub and CocoonJS

  • igalencar you can use a single MoPub/AdMob ad unit for all your games if you want. Is not against AdMob policy. Also...about MoPub several weeks ago MoPub remobed 2 of my games but they notify me by email before. I am waiting for Crosswalk to integrate Ads and leave MoPub and CocoonJS

    Same here.. also we need control of the keys to be able to update the aps with no problem

  • > ashar


    > I've never used a webview, I've always done canvas+


    > Not sure, I would just recommend making sure you've followed every step in this tutorial: ... b-cocoonjs


    > I think there's actually maybe a better tutorial around but I don't remember where to find it


    the problem with both tutorials is that MoPub has changed since this tutorial came out.. i have two aps in mopub but only one ad Unit show in mopub Network

    igalencar try this one: ... onjs-games

  • Following Android version,

    Ludei's Official Ads Demo showed nothing on iOS CocoonJS Launcher.

    (iOS Ads Demo had worked well 3 days ago.)

  • Following Android version,

    Ludei's Official Ads Demo showed nothing on iOS CocoonJS Launcher.

    (iOS Ads Demo had worked well 3 days ago.)

    We've deactivated our campaign at MopUb for some testing, but the ads are working correctly, just compile a Custom Launcher with your adunit id and it will work correctly

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  • ludei

    I have tested it also with 2.0.2 and there no admobs ads are shown. If i compile the same file with 1.4.7 it works fine? So it has to be an issue with 2.0.2? The best what you can do would be support natively admobs and google analytics (that would be so awesome). Do you think about this?

    And are you guys aware of the 'flickering ludei splashscreen' issue? It seems that your games are not affected of that issue. So it might be a problem with C2 or the combination of C2 with the cloud compiler.

    And btw, you guys do awesome work! Keep it up

  • ludei I already posted this issue on your webpage but nobody could help me. I like to use the img.dispose() function in one of my c2 plugins but it doesn't work. When i replace the original image with a new 1 px image and call dispose() after replacing, the original image disappears from the memory log.

  • ludei

    I have tested it also with 2.0.2 and there no admobs ads are shown. If i compile the same file with 1.4.7 it works fine? So it has to be an issue with 2.0.2? The best what you can do would be support natively admobs and google analytics (that would be so awesome). Do you think about this?

    This would be awesome.. do dont know why people insist of doing over a secondary network.....

    Since everyone in the comunity is crying for this..

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