Ludei at GDC - I'll ask your questions

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  • I just received Ludei's ( The company behind CocoonJS) email saying they'll be at GDC this year. I'll be going also to show Airscape, so I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to go visit their booth and bring up some issues relevant to the C2 community.

    I haven't worked on any mobile projects in a while, so I'm a bit out of touch with the current issues. I don't really have any valid issues to bring to their attention, but I'm sure some of you have some questions you'd like to ask them.

    So, what are some of the things I should try to talk to them about? I can make no promises that I'll make it, or recieve any good answers, but I will do my best to put together a list of questions to ask in person, and relay some of the answers. I'll also try to go to their talk detailing some of their most recent developments and let you know how things are going on that end.

    I've got no idea if this will actually be helpful or not, just thought I'd throw it out there.

  • Advanced Web Audio and WebRTC support.

    I find there lack of the better audio api tends to kill my games on mobile.

  • Please ask about the state of OUYA support, more specifically the in-app purchase option.


  • 1. What's the status of memory management for texture loading (for layout-by-layout loading) ?

    Why it's not a priority for them considering it's quite important feature for game ?

    Is this memory management problem only happens with Construct 2 or with every other HTML5 engine out there ?

    2. Tell them not to ignore Construct 2 user and be more active on Construct Forum

    Thanks sqiddster

  • Tell them to fix blinking flash splash screen or allow us to disble them. Also Webrtc support will be great , too.

  • Thanks for taking questions.

    My question is if Ludei has any plans to add more support/resources to work on their Construct 2 plugin. Mainly in the areas of 1) fixing bugs that get reported (Physics!) and 2) adding support for their new features (e.g. Google Play Game Services)

    The current support is pretty dodgy. I can't remember the last time Ludei posted here and it took them a few months to reply to one of my posts on their help centre.

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  • See you there!

  • firebelly - come by the Indie Megabooth and say hello, Airscape will be there and so will I (Well, when I'm not in a talk )

  • firebelly - come by the Indie Megabooth and say hello, Airscape will be there and so will I (Well, when I'm not in a talk )

    For sure! I'll bring you a button or sticker!

  • please ask ludei to update C2 plugin, show ad on top is buggy, hide ad is not working, and still waiting for facebook share function. thank you!

  • 1.cocoonjs plugin update:

    facebook, googleplay games, notification, camera, QRcode,

    gamecenter achievements.

    maybe websocket or webRTC support.

    2.Remove or decrease the splash showing time for premium users to make the Cocoonjs Apps more native.

    3.Each Text object and Tiledbackground object makes iOS Cocoonjs Apps 10+ fps slower.

    4.On layout start, Audio(BGM) changing is still crashy on Android devices.

  • What everyone else has said. I want to stress that getting an answer on WebRTC support is going to be crucial. Having the ability to create multiplayer games for iOS is a must, for me anyway .

  • sqiddster

    "Tell them to fix blinking flash splash screen or allow us to disble them. Also Webrtc support will be great , too."

    "Advanced Web Audio and WebRTC support.

    I find there lack of the better audio api tends to kill my games on mobile."

    +1 for the following two mentioned above.

    ESPECIALLY web audio and webrtc. These are really important for commercial products.

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