Giddy about the Ouya export

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  • On a scale of 1 to giddy. Im about a 10 x giddy to see the new Ouya export. I just received mine and it's awesome! Who's as giddy as I am?

  • Ashley hasn't told us about performance or webGL support yet! Any news?

  • We are this time waiting for controller support and the tweaking to support effective landscape view. Though Ludei is really slow to update :( I wish they updated more than every 6 months :(

    In the mean time, GameClosure is also working on Ouya support. Although there is no WebGL. It's also a little more work to get GC going as it requires code writing to load the sound files.

  • sqiddster Scirra reported 60fps with Space Blaster.

    retty much a solid 60 FPS, dropped to about 52 FPS when a lot was going on. Was running in HD too (1920x1080)

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  • I'm at 3 giddy.

    Glad it works, just really over consoles, and the way they force you to buy new hardware all the time.

  • thehen oh, that's great!

  • jayderyu : Post on Scirra's facebook page 11 hours ago :

    ere's a little Friday surprise for you: Space Blaster running on an Ouya with controller support, via CocoonJS!

    You should really either follow them on twitter and/or facebook.

  • You forgot to show the picture as well:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I saw the picture and I was floored!

  • Can C2 get any better? Amazing work guys, can't wait....

  • you are absolutely right :)

    I got a facebook account, I barely use twitter.... once a year, but I do stay logged with FB. Even if I don't post on it much. It's usually up :)

    I should have thought of that sooner :)

    However, I tested CJS 1.4 with my controller(360) and it didn't work :(.However, I do use only the stable versions. So if it's a recent beta release. Then I need to wait still. Though the CJS/C2 preview model looks sweet :)

    And, does the CJS now support Ouya IAP? or is that still to come?

  • jayderyu: It's a work in progress/still to come, but Ludei has been pretty active around Ouya lately (they mentioned on their twitter they participated to the ouyajam and the news about C2 support of Ouya is very fresh).

    Also do you own a Ouya ?

    I've seen some reviews of a model that was outrageously not playable with a delay between the input and the registering of the input making most games unplayable. Has this issue been fixed since Ouya's release ?

  • jayderyu: It's a work in progress/still to come, but Ludei has been pretty active around Ouya lately (they mentioned on their twitter they participated to the ouyajam and the news about C2 support of Ouya is very fresh).

    Also do you own a Ouya ?

    I've seen some reviews of a model that was outrageously not playable with a delay between the input and the registering of the input making most games unplayable. Has this issue been fixed since Ouya's release ?

    Kyatric - this review isn't bad. I think the product should only get better with software updates.

  • jayderyu: It's a work in progress/still to come, but Ludei has been pretty active around Ouya lately (they mentioned on their twitter they participated to the ouyajam and the news about C2 support of Ouya is very fresh).

    Also do you own a Ouya ?

    I've seen some reviews of a model that was outrageously not playable with a delay between the input and the registering of the input making most games unplayable. Has this issue been fixed since Ouya's release ?

    yes I do :), I'm a $100 backer so I recieved a backers edition. I heard about Ludei being more active with the Ouya, I hoped my campaign on the Ouya forums to Boxer8(Ouya company) helped get the ball rolling :)

    Someone on the forum has managed to identify that the delay seems to be related to other USB objects. As time goes by the controller delay seems to get longer. This isn't with all controllers however. Some of the developers are trying to isolate controller revision to problem. I however had a 360, PS3 controller plugged in by way of hub and have had no delay troubles. However you need to really map the controllers. I hope Ahsley prehandles this so we don't have to do this ourselves :D

    I think my favourite review is

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    . I like this because the review doesn't take the perception that it must be equal to the current console. Instead it measures it's cost, performance, and use. Which I feel has more merit as a review than "must be powerful, must have system seller exclusives". Ouya definetly doesn't try to play that console game, but does it need to for $99us/cdn?

    My problem with the Ouya has nothing to do about power. And being a developer(lol like I finished anything :D) I'm patient for elements to be ironed out. I just loath the classic design of controllers. Otherwise. I love the fact that I can try any game on the Ouya :)

  • The issue I saw in reviews wasn't with power either but with input delay making games really not playable. Even the navigation in the basic interface had some "lag" which looks really unpleasant.

    It was tested on one of the early adopters OUYA which apparently had issues. During the first seconds of the review, one of the buttons of one of the controllers even stood pushed down and required the player to "shake it up" to go back to normal.

    I'm OK with the idea that it can be improved, aware that it's not to be compared with a xbox, psX or whatever other living room console and that in the long run it may become a viable "low cost" console.

    There was just some bad "publicity" with the first units shipped that had factory issue (so the bad reviews were deserved in that case contrary to what Blunty seems to say) and I've read on Ouya's forums about people having some issues with ouya's support service when contacting them to have the controllers replaced and not hearing back from them .

    It makes for a blurry information over the net about the current state of the console IMO.

    Some people say it's not playable at all, and some other say it's fine and depends on the games.

    The fact that C2/CocoonJS is getting support for it is a nice opportunity anyway (one more platform, yeah).

    Now on the consumer side, I'm wondering what audience really bought the console so far (from what I had gathered during the kickstarter campain it was mostly developers) and if this audience has a good enough experience to be willing to buy the games produced.

    I guess it's too early to say, but that will be part of the interesting informations/datas to look into.

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