The Future of Flash Games

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  • Even Though HTML5 is the latest thing at the gaming world, but I still like Flash games, So what will be their future? or they are not going to have any future?

  • IMO it's obvious that HTML5 games are going to completely replace Flash games eventually.

  • Flash will eventually fade out. And as mobile browsers get better, and more hardware supports html 5 (tv, game consoles, etc etc)

    At the moment, Html 5, isn't flash - yet!, but it fast becoming it's equivalent. Lucky in today's fast paced world, the future is projected in months and years(1-2). Thereafter, know one really knows for sure.

    IMO <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I can say from professional developer point of view - as in one that was paid to make flash games for living - they are already dead unless you can find lucrative contract work and having guaranteed money.

    Everyone is just ejecting himself from the system - a lot of folks I know are moving to html5. Some did it earlier, wish I thought about it too.

    Problem is it was relatively easy for people gambling month of their lifetime to earn 5k+ earlier. Heck my friend managed few times to get 12k+ from flash games.

    But right now its only reserved for top tier games, and those are not taking a month but more like 2 or 3 so profitability is lowering while sponsors requirements are raising.

    Overall whole market is imploding there. Its not like flash games will die fast, but expect less higher quality games in future because people loose interest when they cant make money to make living out of it.

  • Flash is the dinosaur and they are quite ripe for extinction.

  • PKrawczynski

    What do you mean when you say "sponsors requirements are raising"? Are those requirements raising only in respect to flash, or are HTML5 games also affected?

    I got the impression from your post that the entire game sponsorship model, regardless of platform, is becoming more competitive and profit margins are slimming. Is that the case? Or is it just for flash? If it is just for flash, can you give some examples of those extra requirements that didn't exist before?


  • There are still quite a few competitive Flash-based games on the market, taking those of Artix Entertainment as an incredibly successful example.

    But yeah. Honestly, I've been seeing the web take a big turn to HTML5. I started playing web games in the era of Flash, and boy was that fun. But now, everyone seems to be switching over. Even my brothers rarely find popular games that use Flash.

    Last I heard even Runescape (originally Java-based) was planning on converting their entire game into HTML5. I never looked into it though, so I'm unsure what their specifics are.

  • I think the best answer can be found by looking at job posting trends:

    <img src="" border="0">

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  • I think the best answer can be found by looking at job posting trends:


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    I wish there was an "upvote" button, this is extremely relevant and a mighty fine source.

    I would still like to know if the sponsorship model is becoming a less viable option overall or just for flash devs.

  • thehen that's more Flash game development. The other side of the coin is user-based. Like I said, there are still some extremely successful games that are still accumulating users, even hiring.

    Allot of that, is, I feel, advertising. HTML5 ads will most certainly replace Flash ads, and so jobs tend to turn that direction.

  • HTML5 jobs vs Flash jobs? It's like comparing apples and oranges, because you're comparing web-site building vs. game/banner development which what Flash is used for nowadays. Everyone needs a website but not everyone needs a game.

  • HTML5 jobs vs Flash jobs? It's like comparing apples and oranges, because you're comparing web-site building vs. game/banner development which what Flash is used for nowadays. Everyone needs a website but not everyone needs a game.


    Agreed, but the decrease of flash demand is still noticeable

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