do you want export to unity?

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  • tunepunk

    believe it ?!! i just ask if this thing exists you like to pay to use it ?

    if i get a good number i will make a demo to show users


    Canvas+ is good but in new it will support multiplayer ?! other languegs ? can i see a document of what its support ?


    it will get capx and give you a unity package.

    for now i just know i can make event sheets to c# script but i will look at other things (like layers and scenes) and let you know here

  • That's not a bad idea. However the large appeal for C2 isn't just the CAPX, or the IDE. It's that the C2 has a very robust Game Library. In fact the C2Lib for games far exceeds what you get with Unity. Realistically i could sit down and take the XML files and use that build scenes/packages/objects in Unity. I could also translate the EventSheet into it's own classes. But again where we leave off is the library. Platform, Solid, Physics...

    If I were to address C2 Plugins. Should I go and translate Sprite to SpriteRenderer? Do I move the Animations to Mecanim? Do I instead try to shim HTML5 JS into C# or do we just shim the basic controls. Done by manually mapping functions over the Unity. Once in Unity the project loses the benefit of the Event Sheet and the link to C2. So any changes done in Unity can't go back to C2.

    If you can find an elegant solution to C2 library with 100% support of C2 vanilla library. I would certainly look into paying.

    To be honest in all of this. I think relying on HTML5 JS reference was a bad design plan. An engine like C2 would have been better off using their own abstract class. That way there is minimum reliance on the Browser technologies. And that's where this will ends up. C2 is chained to the browser for full features.

    However I offer good luck.... and my money if you succeed

  • i highly doubt this will work.. i mean it could, maybe. but its a huge task to convert everything for unity. its pretty different.

  • mahdi71 well if you can pull it off, i'll pay for a service like that.

  • What would be sad is if after doing all the work its slower than vanilla C2, or that it would need Flash to run in or browser.

    I assume the greatest advantage would be to get away from having to use Nwjs to get a standalone for Windows?

    Too bad there's nothing in the works that would solve that easily.....

  • hi,

    since scirra don't do anything about a fine export to android ! (crosswalk really slow and in the cocoonjs we can't make are own plugin like i need to make IAP for another market or ...)

    i saw the c2 project files and i can make a compiler which get c2 project file and make a unity package so you can change your game in unity and add other assets and stuf ! (so you can make a unity game but with c2 ! )

    but i want to know how many developer like to buy it ? (i will get money for each compile) i want to sure about that first because it will get so much of my time so if you want it post in this forum and say how many game you export each month (its not free and its online and i get money for each export to avoid cracking ! )

    and i want to know scirra fine with it ?

    the idea you have is quite good, and i bet a lot of developers till now think'd on it, as for license issues you should drop an email support[at]

    so as Newt said making cash out of another business its always a good thing, but .. i dont think it can be compared that way since you are doing your very own Compiler which is a business as itself, same as cordova or any other compiler. you just need to make a hybrid basically which will allow you to take the .capx code or the caproj project and transform it into a unity project, so it can be also called more of a unity plugin then a C2 compiler.. that wold be more awesome actually and will allow you to faster expand your business, since the premium ability wold be much higher, and another good thing wold be that you have 2 markets where to share your product, one is C2 one is Unity, and on the way you have to verify with each of the company what legal issues might appear, but since your compiler wold be more of a cross-platform external code, i dont think there wold be any issues legally talking. its an entirely new product so it does not affect none of the mentioned businesses above since they are Game engines and yours wont be.

    as for charging fees for each compiler? what is that some kinda of joke? nobody does that, since no1 will pay you 1 dollar for each compiling lets say. why i wold do that? i can easily use cordova its free i dont really mind the lower performance, but i wold love to have the ability to export using Unity for mobiles since its way faster. as for exporting through unity for browsers or pc,... thats crap.. its the worst idea and im telling you why.. no matter how good your computer or internet connection is, 90% of the browser /pc unity games will take around 1 minute to load the game. its just not fast enough. and the browser cpu usage is way high. i wold just limit it to mobile compiling and thats it.

    as for the fee you could add a 1 time fee and wold make you some serious cash even if you sell the product for 1 usd + processing cards fees. so lets say 2 usd per downloaded product. that will bring u a serious amount of money if you do it the right way, money that will provide you more freedom for future projects maybe the next big thing huh? just do the math, compare the sales for lets say 10,000 users at 2 usd or even 1 usd each thats a 10k -20k profit out of thin air from which you take 70% cause of the costs of transactions, possibly 90%. so a whooping 9000 -18000 usd per 10,000 downloads? man thats a good job, and i dont think you have to charge on each compiling thing, thats some extreme greed, which will make the whole idea that is pure gold, just to flap around itself.

    P.S Patent the idea ( just joking you cant patent an idea - you can patent a process of which will turn into a product based on the idea itself)

    maybe who knows someone seen my post and will develop it faster then u do, as for the flash requirements, if u manage to do all this, i bet youl figure it out how to do it, and also how to transfer the xml since you bring'd the idea on table im thinking you did some research previously and not talking theoretical as i do now.

    P.S.S ? ... if you did a research before, you know flash and html5 are not compatible.. so there is no way for you to do this unless you develop a hybrid language that supports flash libraries and html5 in 1.

    the only reason im saying is not possible is that, scirra is on market for a few years now, and unity for longer then that, along time some other bigger companies or some more able programmer wold seen the chance if it was feasible and will actually worth the time spent on the whole process of creating the thing.

    the only one that could actually do this is Unity itself, since they have to modify their own engine for c2 projects to be supported.

    Deja-vu Deja-vu...Deja-vu...


    sometimes has to be said more times then usual...

  • ludei

    Canvas+ is good but in new it will support multiplayer ?! other languegs ? can i see a document of what its support ?

    Canvas+ supports plugins for Cordova. If there is a plugin for C2 for Cordova with such a feature, it is possible.

    And it supports custom plugins too. You can develop your own plugins and include them in your projects if you want <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> .

    Here you have all the doc:

  • I would be interested in it, but I don't think I would pay per compile. It would be more preferable to be able to import your games to Unity or just use the exporters of Unity (not just to Android). I'd pay for such a software, but not for a cloud service. Also, I prefer one-time payments, not subscibtions.

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  • >

    > ludei

    > Canvas+ is good but in new it will support multiplayer ?! other languegs ? can i see a document of what its support ?



    Canvas+ supports plugins for Cordova. If there is a plugin for C2 for Cordova with such a feature, it is possible.

    And it supports custom plugins too. You can develop your own plugins and include them in your projects if you want .

    Here you have all the doc:

    new Canvas+ will support this plugin ?

    or this one ?

    when new cocoon will be ready ?

  • i'm not talking about flash !! really when i talk about flash ?!!

    it simply get capx and get you a unity project (or maybe a unity package)

    it will write a unity game from capx

    and i dont like a limit thing like Canvas+ (sorry ludia but it is limit)

    i want to change entire project to unity and you can just use export option from unity and solve the performance problem!

    but it will be very easier to make a plugin like c2 for unity ! !!! but i know scirra don't let that happen

    and for people who thing pay per compile is a bad thing i want to say it not that much ! for each compile its a cheap thing but in pay per compile thing i can be sure you don get your user and pass to another one for free compile !

    and in my compiler you use unity to just add plugins and exports because there is much plugins for unity and not for c2 !

    dont worry about the idea if someone else can do this i will be happy to save time and use that !


    but still so many things like what happen with c3 ! because if scirra change the xml files in capx i must make entire (more then 40%) compiler again or if they lock it then my compiler is dead!

  • mahdi71 How about you'd just make us native exporters ( win, mac, linux, and then for consoles ) , we could purchase at the store? I know I would buy it. Those are in insanely big demand. Those would also boost morale of c2 users ( and later c3's ) . *You would become our local hero!*

  • If you're willing to put in the time go for it. The file format changing a bit as c2 advances is inevitable, and if you're serious you'll have to somehow keep up as c2 gets updates. I highly doubt the file format would be changed just to counter a third party compiler, there's no point for that.

    Focus small first and see if you can convert over layouts with just sprite objects. I don't use unity, but if you're familiar how you work with their projects format I imagine you could probably get that working rather quickly.

    The events would be the next hurdle. Start by sticking with just the system and sprite events. To me this is much more complicated to do since users will expect things to work the same in unity as in c2. If it didn't it wouldn't be useful. The nuances of how events work would be the tricky bit there.

    Get to that point and you'll have most of the groundwork done. From there you can start working on all the other plugins and behaviors. That is probably what will eat up all your time, and that's the point where I dismiss my own idea of such a project.


    Wouldn't such a project be like native? Or do you mean creating an engine from scratch?

  • mahdi71 i see your point, but then as a business pay per compiling if its to low the fee you wont make enough, to pay the card processing fees, if its to high nobody will buy it ? so its a tricky thing to start a business like that, im telling you the idea its awesome, it wold change the C2 as we know it, i personally dont use unity, but if the plugin to import c2 project into unity can be made, and it can, that wold make a lot of things much easier the thing is for you now to think how to avoid or get the OK from scirra cause unity i think they have their own SDK for plugins same as scirra has so that wold be one problem less to worrie about from their side. good luck. hope you manage to make it

  • It would be cool with some kind of plugin kind of like how ReWire works in music softwares (for those familiar with that). For example cubase and Reason connected through the software protocol. 1. Start unity, 2. Start C2, everything you do in C2 would be mirrored in real time in Unity. So it would be like you are using C2's event system as the sequencer, and write the Unity code for you. At least something like that. :p

    I really hate coding, and that's the main reason I use Construct2. The event system is neat and easy to understand, and it doesn't feel like coding.

  • >

    > >

    > > ludei

    > > Canvas+ is good but in new it will support multiplayer ?! other languegs ? can i see a document of what its support ?

    > >

    > >


    > Canvas+ supports plugins for Cordova. If there is a plugin for C2 for Cordova with such a feature, it is possible.

    > And it supports custom plugins too. You can develop your own plugins and include them in your projects if you want <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> .


    > Here you have all the doc:


    new Canvas+ will support this plugin ?

    or this one ?

    when new cocoon will be ready ?

    The first one uses CSS. It will work but it might have scaling issues.

    The second one says it requires cordova 3.0+. What it does not say is if it is supported by cordova 5.0+. If so, it will work. In any case, we do have a plugin for chartboost too, and that one it works. It is available for C2 too.

    The cloud is in beta, but you can request an invitation to test it. It is working, but currently only the free plan is available. We can't offer a premium service yet. We will really soon.


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