Crosswalk Performance Mega-thread

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  • Noga

    EDIT: The fix suggested by ludei doesn't work for me either.

    Tried your apk, still not formatting right.

    Can you try recompiling with this change suggested by ludei:

    [quote:3ee37iw0]We have found that C2 Cordova exporter does not use the correct devicePixelRatio value in compilations, that's why the game is displayed in the 1/4 of the screen. This can be fixed with a minor change in the following line in c2runtime.js (the change is marked in bold)

    this.isRetina = ((!this.isDomFree || this.isEjecta || this.isCocoonJs) && this.useHighDpi && !this.isAndroidStockBrowser);

    Let us know if your games run in high-res with this change.

    Also, are you using a spritefont for debug text?

  • What makes me so angry with this performance issue is the powerful of your AWESOME software, and you know that for sure, you made an amazing powerful software that can allow anyone to make any 2d game without limitations, so why you insist to destroy it ?!

    We are not destroying it. All modern software development relies on software and libraries developed by third parties. We could go native and, say, every device which didn't run WebGL instead just crashed (some of them bricking the phone and requiring battery removal/reinsertion), which is one of the types of problems that native software faces since there is nothing shielding you from the very worst of the graphics driver issues. Then you could equally claim we are trying to destroy our native exporter or something. Really there are various third parties involved who need to do their bit to make it a good platform, and they may not be doing such a great job. The same goes for any platform or technology or framework that you may think we should use.

    [quote:m8s60mrm]I found that Crosswalk will never be a right solution for games

    I think it is short-sighted to say "never". It's under active development with regular releases and is always improving. It's moving a lot faster than many of the native platforms - just look at how long it takes Android updates to go out. And when was the last time you updated the drivers on your phone?

    [quote:m8s60mrm]Skia fix gives me a good results and i don't know when it'll be available to build with

    Hopefully the next version or two - this is a very good indication the problem is already fixed and we just need to wait for it to work its way down the release channels!

    [quote:m8s60mrm]it just needs native exporter

    You say "just", but you are talking about a collossal software engineering project that will have ongoing feature, compatibility and maintenance implications, some of which may be so severe as to negate any performance benefit. (As in, what use is a super fast engine if it doesn't have the features your game needs to run?)

    Some sort of CocoonJS exporter would be fine

    We already support Ludei's Cordova-compatible platforms, and if Canvas+ happens to work for your game, you can already go ahead and publish with it. So don't we already have that? You can choose whichever export option works best for you.

  • what's the difference between direct export to android with intel xdk and crosswalk export ?

    direct export to android will work with arm/x86 ?

    because i just see that there is a difference in size

    android is about 4 mb and crosswalk is about 16 mb x 2 (arm/x86 apk)

    thanks a lot

  • [quote:15xzfyu0]We already support Ludei's Cordova-compatible platforms, and if Canvas+ happens to work for your game, you can already go ahead and publish with it. So don't we already have that? You can choose whichever export option works best for you.

    Ashley I was thinking a service exactly like that, but run by you aka Scirra, so we wont have so many problems and bugs - but also the waiting time for things to be fixed when they they pop up, would be greatly reduced if it is run by you. Its always problematic with third-party exporters, because they don't focus their time on C2, but a collection of game makers out there. I'm not just putting this out there, i'm actually pretty comfortable that it would work.

  • I was thinking a service exactly like that, but run by you aka Scirra

    I don't think it's a feasible project, since to maintain compatibility we would have to implement such a large portion of a browser engine that we may as well just use an actual browser engine, which is what we do already with most Cordova platforms. Ludei list 22 staff and they still miss major features like Web Audio, WebRTC, form controls and more from the non-browser Canvas+, and I don't anticipate we'd be able to go further than that with less than half as many staff (even after the expansion we just announced!)

  • Rightly said Ashley. I agree with you

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  • Totally agree with you ashley. Crosswalk getting better over time.

  • I've been away on vacation the past week+. I will touch base with the Crosswalk team to see what the status is. I do know Google had a patch, but it failed some tests and they are re-doing it.

  • imaffett, any news?

  • A patch has landed in Crosswalk 15 (not yet released) - ... 085fb069e8

    They are backporting it to CW 14 at some point. Our team is trying to schedule meetings to see everything involved so we can get this to developers ASAP.

  • CW 15? Really?

    -CW 13 (13.42.319.11) has been the latest stable version almost 1 month. We can't use CW 13 with Intel XDK and we are talking about CW 15?

    -We can't even build with the stable version of CW 12 using Intel XDX because it's still using a BETA version ( of CW 12

    Well, I truly hope we can get a quicker release system, please

    The last versions are out but we can't use them

  • A patch has landed in Crosswalk 15 (not yet released) - ... 085fb069e8

    They are backporting it to CW 14 at some point. Our team is trying to schedule meetings to see everything involved so we can get this to developers ASAP.

    it will be excellent if you release this cw15 since it fix performance on s3 samsung

    i'm waiting on update because all my users told me that performance are bad on the game (crosswalk)

  • the only 2 things on crosswalk are size and performance ...

  • CW 15? Really?

    -CW 13 (13.42.319.11) has been the latest stable version almost 1 month. We can't use CW 13 with Intel XDK and we are talking about CW 15?

    -We can't even build with the stable version of CW 12 using Intel XDX because it's still using a BETA version ( of CW 12

    Well, I truly hope we can get a quicker release system, please

    The last versions are out but we can't use them

    CW 15 is not yet released, AFAIK it's stable release is scheduled to mid-end of july, so maybe something will happen before the release. I remember someone from intel team was talking about a command line interface that will let us choose any crosswalk version without it's blessing by intel.

  • Sisyphus

    Well, I just hope we can start using Visual Studio 2015 soon.

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