Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • Today intel xdk will stop supporting cordova, that's why some of you guys faced problem with music files

    can some1 plz tell us another way to to export project to APK without using intel xdk.

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  • Yes... I did exactly that, plenty of Times...

    In the Source Dir i dont change anything, so i leave it empty.

    Selecting and De-Selecting the two aditional choices given: Use cordova plugins and Game Proyect....

    It says as always, SUCCESS... but the emulator shows nothing and de exportation does same... nothing...

    Im desesperado now... Anyone can help?

  • I did exacly that way, varius times and changing options like crazy... nothing happend...

    And important update is that I suspected from my game... so I went to a really older version and NOTHING....

    Anyone can help?? Maybe im missing something new.

  • A couple of weeks ago I was able to try my game out with the cocoonJS android app and it worked fine. Now, no matter what type of export I try to do (cocoonJS or via html5 and cordova), I get the black screen of death. This includes one crosswalk "lite" export. I heard one person suggest that version 213 is to blame and I suspect that might be right. Anyone else having this experience?

  • Today intel xdk will stop supporting cordova, that's why some of you guys faced problem with music files

    can some1 plz tell us another way to to export project to APK without using intel xdk.


    So how we must compile now?

    and what about are game with intel xdk sign key ?

    how I use another compiler for new version of my game when I dont have my keyfile ????????

    How I get my keyfile to sign my game ?

  • anyone how want a xdk keystore should see this page : ... nt-1840749

  • Essa Ali post is garbage.

    See following thread that clears up the panic-mongering:

  • This new Intel XDK update is annoying!!! It takes AGES to upload the project! Crosswalk 15 is a bit faster than the previous one, but it now uploads the plugins directly and it takes a lot of time! Annoying!!

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm pretty new to Android/iOS exports using Cordova and Intel XDK. Could anyone more experienced answer me a couple of questions?

    I've tried both Phonegap and Intel XDK exports using Crosswalk, but my game is running a bit slow on both. However I've also tried and it runs great with Canvas+. I looked around and apparently there are "plugins" I can use with both Phonegap and Intel XDK that would make my game a bit faster, but I'm really confused as to if they really help and/or can be implemented with C2 games and such.

    My question is - is it possible to have my game run as fast as it runs with with Phonegap or Intel XDK? If so what should I be doing?

    My other question is what the hell is Canvas+? Is it proprietary to Or is there the same option for Phonegap/Intel XDK?

    Thanks, I'm really new to this and I've been searching around the forum but most posts aren't helpful or just tell the person who asked to search in the forum (lol).

  • andreyin Hi yes interestingly Crosswalk seems to get slower as they update The Intel XDK. Also I use Crosswalk Build not the regular Android Build that is always faster onlycreates a bigger file size.

    Check out these tutorial below they will be helpful you just need to optimize your project and you should solve a lot of slowing down issues. ... bile-games ... nts/page-1

  • andreyin Hi yes interestingly Crosswalk seems to get slower as they update The Intel XDK. Also I use Crosswalk Build not the regular Android Build that is always faster onlycreates a bigger file size.

    Check out these tutorial below they will be helpful you just need to optimize your project and you should solve a lot of slowing down issues. ... bile-games ... nts/page-1

    Thanks, I'll take a look!

  • I didn't have any problems with Intel XDK except that it takes too long to upload the project.

    But it works.

    Currently I'm doing the things my own way so I installed Cordova with the Crosswalk Webview plugin and the Android SDK.

    Cordova works very well from the command line and I don't need to wait for the Intel XDK loading times.

    The only problem of doing it my own way is that I need to sign the APK before even loading to my device.

    It's a bit of a hassle initially but it can be done faster after taking brain notes of all the procedures.

  • In the new Intel XDK update, the Browser object doesn't seem to work properly! Can anybody confirm this?

  • Bump! Please can anyone check if it works or not, it gives me a headache!!

  • I didn't have any problems with Intel XDK except that it takes too long to upload the project.

    But it works.

    Currently I'm doing the things my own way so I installed Cordova with the Crosswalk Webview plugin and the Android SDK.

    Cordova works very well from the command line and I don't need to wait for the Intel XDK loading times.

    The only problem of doing it my own way is that I need to sign the APK before even loading to my device.

    It's a bit of a hassle initially but it can be done faster after taking brain notes of all the procedures.

    Is there any difference in performance when doing it with the Android SDK? Because I tried a tool called HTML5 apk builder, it's a shrunk crosswalk webview builder and it's damn faster than Intel XDK performance wise!

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