The Big NW.js Roundup - News & Tips

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  • Is there anything to know in order to export NWJS projects that would work with older Windows versions like XP or Vista ?

    As far as I know 0.14.x is the last that support XP. You have install a 0.14.x Version.

  • > Is there anything to know in order to export NWJS projects that would work with older Windows versions like XP or Vista ?

    As far as I know 0.14.x is the last that support XP. You have install a 0.14.x Version.

    Yep, here is their blogpost with more info about supporting older OS's.

  • Following Dannyyy's advice, I tried to make a copy of the LTS (Long Term Supported) version of NWJS : 0.14.7 and to paste the package.nw that I exported for actual NWJS versions. I could test it on a Windows Vista system and it worked with minor font issues. That's a decent workaround for my customers who have very old PCs and can't update them.

  • Heads up if you're planning to use or already use NWjs v0.33.0, Gamepads might not work right. I'd recommend waiting for a sub version (v0.33.3) or waiting for the next major release before updating.

    This has already been reported by Ashley and fixed in nightly builds.

  • No major bugs in the recent releases as far as I know. The newest release is as usual already up for Construct 2 and Construct 3 exports.

    The window tech of NWjs is currently getting a complete refactor. Might fix some issues and add new features but it's all experimental right now. Anyone who'd like to check it out, simply follow the steps mentioned in the blog post.

    I'll try to keep track of any major changes and keep this topic alive. Issues related to NWjs can still be posted in here. I'll take a look and create a bug report or provide a workaround if possible.


  • Thanks for keeping this alive. It helped me tremendously when launching my game on Steam. I'll probably have to reference it again for my next game too.

  • In the new releasaes, adding --enable-features=nw2 really improves the performance for me, but i get a X button when in fullscreen if i hover the mouse on top of the screen... any way to remove it?

  • In the new releasaes, adding --enable-features=nw2 really improves the performance for me, but i get a X button when in fullscreen if i hover the mouse on top of the screen... any way to remove it?

    What is it that activates that option?

  • In the new releasaes, adding --enable-features=nw2 really improves the performance for me, but i get a X button when in fullscreen if i hover the mouse on top of the screen... any way to remove it?

    Good catch! I will look into a temporally workaround as soon as possible (pretty sure there is one in form of a chromium-arg). I'll also request that it should be deactivated by default, as it previously was.

    What is it that activates that option?

    You basically just add that to your chromium-args and use one of the releases that supports it. It's still experimental so I wouldn't recommend using it for more than just testing.

  • Danwood I've tested things out on my end and there are some more issues as well.

    Since this is experimental and noone should use it for serious projects anyway, I've posted a request inside the official Github issue and it will hopefully be sorted out soon. If not, I will have to look into multiple workarounds, which may or may not be easy to implement.

  • Danwood I've tested things out on my end and there are some more issues as well.

    Since this is experimental and noone should use it for serious projects anyway, I've posted a request inside the official Github issue and it will hopefully be sorted out soon. If not, I will have to look into multiple workarounds, which may or may not be easy to implement.

    I've noticed the F11 thing as well... Thank you for your commitment! I'm looking forward to using this new feature as it makes the newer versions worth it for me, as after 0.23.6 performance decreased drastically, forcing me to stick with that version until now.

  • Hi all,

    We are very close to releasing our first game on Steam using nw.js and I have a couple of things to mention/ask:

    Firstly, the --in-process-gpu fix for the Steam overlay isn't working with the latest versions of nw.js (I guess a bug introduced in Chromium?). From our testing it seems to have stopped working some time around 0.34, the last version that it still works in is 0.33.3

    Secondly, when launching the game through Steam we get an issue with Norton raising a 'Suspicious Network Activity' warning, which makes it looks as though something bad is happening. In reality the connection is just the SSDP protocol for uPnP (Universal Plug & Play). This is really beyond me, so not sure what to do. Is there anything we can do to stop this? Screenshot below to illustrate, thanks for reading and any advice appreciated.

  • Firstly, the --in-process-gpu fix for the Steam overlay isn't working with the latest versions of nw.js (I guess a bug introduced in Chromium?). From our testing it seems to have stopped working some time around 0.34, the last version that it still works in is 0.33.3

    What exactly goes wrong? Does it work fine without it, using versions after 0.34?

    Secondly, when launching the game through Steam we get an issue with Norton raising a 'Suspicious Network Activity' warning, which makes it looks as though something bad is happening. In reality the connection is just the SSDP protocol for uPnP (Universal Plug & Play). This is really beyond me, so not sure what to do. Is there anything we can do to stop this? Screenshot below to illustrate, thanks for reading and any advice appreciated.

    Sorry there is nothing I can do for 3rd party antivirus software. The only thing that could be done is reporting it directly to them. I know it ***** but that's just how things work with Construct and NWjs.

    If you don't get any response from them for a while, I could try to report it to the NWjs team. They might have a way of their own, to reach out to them.

  • Greenworks currently supports up to version 0.33.3, so you can't use 0.34 anyways.

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  • OK, understood on the antivirus. I'm sceptical that contacting Norton will achieve anything though if I'm honest, but I might see if I can find a few other Steam games using nw.js and see if the same thing happens (just to have some ammunition).

    With the overlay, if you don't add in --in-process-gpu on the latest version then it doesn't work at all, as in no Steam overlay shows. If you add in --in-process-gpu then all we got was a white screen when trying to view the overlay. It's all working fine on 0.33.3

    (PS we are not using any achievements or Steam features on our first release)

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