Music Plays Intermittently In Edge Web Browser

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  • Problem Description

    As mentioned by a few others, there seems to be an issue with music consistently playing in the Edge web browser (Note: I am running Windows 10 Pro x64 with the November Threshold 2 update). The Space Blaster demo was mentioned in another thread, so I used it for my testing (see below for how to replicate the problem).

    Attach a Capx ... aster.capx

    Description of Capx

    Space Blaster Demo

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    This bug seems to be intermittent, so the easiest way that I found to replicate it is to start Construct 2 and run the Space Blaster demo. If the music plays, then press "F5" (which will reload the game). I have found that after a few times of pressing "F5" the game will start with the music not playing.

    Observed Result

    The music will intermittently play. As an additional observation, I have noticed that if you move the music files to the sound folder, then the problem seems to go away.

    Affected Browsers

    • Microsoft Edge

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 Pro x64 with the November Threshold 2 update (all updates have been installed)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct 2 Beta Release r218

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  • Pretty sure this is a bug in Edge, since no other browsers are affected and it even works in Edge the first few times, suggesting our code is working fine.

    I filed a bug with Microsoft here:

    Closing this report, please follow that issue for developments.

  • Ashley, thank you for researching the issue and filing the bug report with Microsoft. I will monitor the Microsoft link that you provided.

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