Google Play (Crash & ANRs) Report

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    It was found that this is not a Construct 2 related issue. But problem due to incompatible APK for for device using x86 processor. (default APK uses ARM version)

    To fix the issue and ensure compatibility across maximum devices (especially Tablets) make sure you are releasing both version on Google Play (ARM and x86).

    How to do that?

    After you finish building your game on Intel XDK, you can download the Build zip file. This file contains two type of APK files, x86 and ARM. Sign these APKs with the same Storekeys (if unsigned) .

    • Then goto Google Play APK Section
    • Click on "Switch to Advanced Mode"
    • Upload both signed APKs, one after the other (order doesnt matter)
    • Once uploaded, DEACTIVATE any previously uploaded versions
    • You will see that the files are still in "Draft" mode
    • Scroll up and click "Publish now"
    • Now the status will change to "In Prod"
    • And thats it! Google play will automatically decide which device should get what version (x86 or ARM)
    • Now more crashes due to incompatible APKs! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Problem Description

    I recently released my game "Last of the Survivors" on Google Play.

    Google Play Link : ... esurvivors

    Even though the game runs on majority of the devices, few users are reporting that the game crashes on their phones/tab. These are the guys giving bad rating for my game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

      Fonepad 7 (K012) MeMO Pad 8 (K011_1) hudl 2 (HTF8A4) Galaxy S5 (kltespr)

    Please let me know if I can provide you any more data. Appreciate if you can look into the issue

    Here is the log from the Google Dev Console's "Crash & ANRs" section.

    at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView(
    at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init(
    at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init(
    at com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors.LastoftesurvivorsV4.onCreate(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Use SharedXWalkView if you want to support shared mode
    at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.handleException(
    at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.handleException(
    at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.init(
    at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.loadClass(
    at org.xwalk.core.XWalkPreferences.setValue(
    at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView.<clinit>(
    ... 18 more
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Use SharedXWalkView if you want to support shared mode
    ... 23 more[/code:26ecl1xm]
    [b]Attach a Capx[/b]
    Google Store
    [b]Description of Capx[/b]
    Game crashes on certain Android devices.  I have posted the log from Google above.
    [b]Steps to Reproduce Bug[/b]
        [li] Use one of the above mentioned devices
        [/li][li] Install my game
        [/li][li] Try running it to trigger the crash[/li][/ul]
    [b]Observed Result[/b]
    Game Crashes
    [b]Expected Result[/b]
    No Crashes?
    [b]Affected Browsers[/b]
        [li] Chrome: (NA)
        [/li][li] FireFox: (NA)
        [/li][li] Internet Explorer: (NA)[/li][/ul]
    [b]Operating System and Service Pack[/b]
    Windows 8.1 SP1
    [b]Construct 2 Version ID[/b]
  • Anyone here can make sense of the Javascript Error message? The crash report number is increasing.

    Looks like ASUS is leading the way

    ZenFone 5 (ASUS_T00J)

    ZenFone 5 (ASUS_T00K)

    Galaxy Tab3 10.1

    Fonepad 7 (K012)

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  • Got same report on Galaxy tab 3.

    Seems to come from the processor x86 (and not ARM). On my side, the galaxy tab 3 that crashes is the GT-P5210 which is not in the list of devices.. I guess it's the same for you.

  • Got same report on Galaxy tab 3.

    Seems to come from the processor x86 (and not ARM). On my side, the galaxy tab 3 that crashes is the GT-P5210 which is not in the list of devices.. I guess it's the same for you.

    Does that mean, we need to have a x86 version on the store too? Will Google Play automatically install the right version on these Tabs?

  • SamRock

    I don't know.. but I don't think we can have both versions ??

    Here the thing is that this device ( GT-P5210 ) is not in the list of devices ==> google cannot filter if it should work or not on this one..

  • Adisma

    Thank you! After you last comment , I went back and did some reading on the Google Dev help site. Looks like we can upload two versions (ARM and x86)

    I was breaking my head trying to understand why on Earth my game was crashing on relatively powerful Tabs

    Thanks to you, now I know.

    Will try to release a both versions soon!

    BTW, is the Google Play Statistic getting updated for you? Since past two days my Download # are same, but I m getting new Rating & Reviews and know for sure people are downloading it!

  • SamRock

    Could you detail how you upload both versions ? I didn't manage to do it..

    Statistics are updated at 2nd of March.. thus, I don't have the real count of downloads too...

  • Adisma

    Here is the article I was reading. I m yet to upload my APKs... still working on some fixes ... -apks.html

  • Thanks SamRock, the trick is to have 2 different code versions : 1 for ARM, 1 for x86.

  • Hello

    Anyone uploaded to versions (x86 and ARM) of an app to Play Store?

  • Thanks SamRock, the trick is to have 2 different code versions : 1 for ARM, 1 for x86.

    Yes, when you compile using Intel XDK, it gives you two version ARM And x86. After you sign the APK. You can upload them on the APK section.

  • Hello

    Anyone uploaded to versions (x86 and ARM) of an app to Play Store?

    Its similar to uploading a normal APK. After you download the 2 version from Intel XDK, you just sign them and upload them to Google play.

    Based the on the manifest file created by XDK, Google will know if its a x86 or ARM version

  • Iolva and Adisma

    I just published my multi APK versions. All I had to do was "Switch to Advanced Mode" in the APK tab.

    Upload the newly created x86 and ARM APK versions that I got from INTEL XDK.

    Once both are uploaded, just click "Deactivate" for the old APK version.

    Now you can publish the game.

    Adisma Appreciate if you can try installing my x86 version on your tab later. The Store should take about 3 to 4 hours to update from now.

  • I will try this week

    Thanks for the info!

  • SamRock : it's not on my tablet that my game failed. It was a report from my app

    But after the update, the user confirms it's working with the x86 version

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