[Source][Online Game] MMORPG Online Game

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Tic Tac Toe is an online multiplayer game with Easy, Hard, and Local and Online multiplayer game modes
  • I have do this about 4 month without sleep lol

    this is a MMORPG online game using C2

    but now i will going to busy

    so i sell my online game project here

    this project is 80% done

    here is what my system have:



    1 for your custom server command

    2 for game


    for server(websocket IO only,You no need to know it/edit it,work on PC,OSX,LINUX)


    for adding npc,story,item,ui text etc..(Just click,easy to use,made by C2 too!~)


    1 for player

    2 for server(Yes,you can design your server part on C2)

    1 for game story(adding npc,story,item,ui)

    1 for website(made by C2,read txt file to display a website, http://fc-hk.net/ , http://fc-hk.net/indexisb.txt)


    Index code YouTube:




    1:Game Multi-language(Game will auto detect how many language installed in game folder,and let user choice)

    2:Really time online PVP(100%really time PVP)

    3:Server made by C2(You can edit server function in C2)


    4:database base on C2 plugin(Save as .txt file,and read by C2 plugin)

    5:login and register in game(CD-KEY support,No need website)

    6:Auto fit all screen size(Using viewport)

    7:3D/2.5D support(Ths system is easy to change to 3D or 2.5D

    8:Item system(basic on array,for now list item only,can't use)

    9:Social system(like MSN(70% done))


    11:anti cheat/hack(Not easy to hack,even you have source code)

    12:done your maps in C2(Tilemap or other)

    13:Setting file = text file(Easy to change any setting)

    14:Version check&update(easy to make user update with URL)

    15:Auto backup player data(Default backup to dropbox)

    16:Mobile support(within touchpad for mobile...but i don't have add a keyboard for typing ac/pw)


    and...many others....

    I promise you will learn all of what you must learn about "how to make a online game"

    It outweights the others in price performance

    (sorry for my english....sorry...)

    Before you buy my online game Source

    You must Confirm

    1:You are good C2,THIS IS NOT EASY<<<I will give you support to learn how my system work,but i will not going to teach you C2

    2:You have a server for online<<<no router=better,I using a bootcamp mac mini (I5 2012") for server,mac mini can hold about 5000 player online

    3:You Will Not Share The Files<<<never

    [Buy Here]

    Limited sell to 5 people only



    after buy my project,I will free to support you on TeamViewer,PM your Facebook to me

  • looks pretty good congrats.

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  • looks pretty good congrats.


  • HooooooooooooooYOOOHO

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