Construct 3 r129

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  • Game Recorder issue:

    + System: On start of layout

    ----+ GameRecorder: Is recording supported

    -----> Browser: Alert "Recording supported"

    ----+ GameRecorder: Is screen recording supported

    -----> Browser: Alert "Screen Recording supported"

    + Button: On clicked

    ----+ GameRecorder: Is audio format WebM Opus supported

    ----+ OR GameRecorder: Is audio format Ogg Opus supported

    -----> Audio: Play bgm looping at volume 0 dB (tag "")

    -----> System: Wait 1.0 seconds

    -----> GameRecorder: Start recording (None (no video) 0 fps, Auto, 2500 kbps)

    + Button2: On clicked

    -> Audio: Stop all

    -> System: Wait 1.0 seconds

    -> GameRecorder: Stop recording

    + GameRecorder: On recording ready

    -> Browser: Invoke download of GameRecorder.RecordingURL with filename "test_record.webm"


    First recorded file can be played, 2nd record after invoke download the file is not playable with file size 0 bytes.

    Example :