How should I save consumable IAP?

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From the Asset Store
Template for a generic save / load system, fully documented in comments and video
  • Here is the thing...

    Player buys 100.000 coins in game, it's consumable, so i send to google information about it's being consumed.

    After being consumed, google play returns that the player doesn't have the item so it can be bought again.

    So far so good.

    Let's say the player still have 90.000 coins and will uninstall the app or the developer (me) need to update how it saves the game internally, or the phone got stolen, or is switching devices, yadda yadda yadda, etc...

    How can I make sure that the same player restores his money from a game with no internal save data?

    Normally we would use Google Play Cloud Saves API, but there is no Construct 2 Plugin for it, so any ideas? =P

    Thanks for you time!

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  • you can save and retrieve some data stored on your own server with the ajax plugin.

  • you can save and retrieve some data stored on your own server with the ajax plugin.

    Yeah, the problem is the server part xD

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