Platform behavior's animation


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Published on 19 Jul, 2012. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

today ill talk about animations on platform behavior as we can read in forum many people says there are a bug on the animation or blablabla so i decided to do a way to fix all of them ^^ first of all you can download the learning capx from here :


ok lets talk about the way i used to fix all these first of all the animation is really ugly without this steps that why i made a tutorial for it,because sometimes you jump then move it get (0 speed animation)..

so in this case i asked my self what is the thing that can only take 1 value in the case and i can make the animation follow this thing???

so the answer was a variable will fix this o.o

after that i have done this way . first of all these are the objects :

so the behaviors will be like this :

wall ----> solid

player -----> platform

playerpin -----> pin

and after that you should put all the animations like this style :

(you can delete " player_ " but this will be hard in the future )

so now where is the variable??

the variable will be global or in playerpin and it will be text variable

so in the events now it will be like this :

even1 :

      everytick set playerpin animation to "player_"&playerpin.variable


      if player speed = 0 set playerpin.variable to "idle"




see this picture of all actions :

so now we finished but i want to put more animations then what should i do?

the answer is simple just put a new animation with a name player_ and name for example :player_startjump

then you put a event for that in that example will be

player on moved set playerpin.variable to "startjump"

if you didn't understand i hope you check the capx because i added some comments and some stuffs to help you ^^


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