How to Make a Flag and Banner


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Published on 31 Aug, 2012. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

I have Written this for the Beginner. You Veterans can skip over most of this Tutorial

Step 1 and 2 Open a new Project and then set you properties.

Click 'Layout 1' and set Layout Size to 640,480

For this Example I have created a Flag, Banner, and 2 Poles

For the Banner I just used the same image .png

For the Pole(s) just Draw a Grey line and save it.

Step 3

Right Click Object Types and Create (4) Sprite Objects

It is better if you Name them as you Create them so they will be easier to identify Later.





Step 4 Add Images to Sprites

Right Click 'Flag' Sprite. Choose [ edit animations ]

The edit animation Dialog box will open

Click on [Load an Image from a File ]

Choose your pic and click [Open]

Your Image will be loaded to the center of the dialog box

Close the Dialog box.

Repeat the process for the 3 other Sprites.

When you get to 'Pole2' rotate it 90 degrees clockwise so it is horizontal for the Banner.

Step 5 :Drag your Sprites to the Layout

At this point you should have all your Sprites with Pics and Named.

Drag each one and position them on the Layout. you may need to re-size the poles to fit the screen after dragging sprites to the Layout.

Step 6 Adding the Effect

Click on your Flag in the Layout Window

On the Left side you will see 'Effects' underlined in Blue, click that.

A small dialog box will open.

Click the + sign to add an effect.

Scroll down to near the bottom of the list box and you should see a

'Warp Ripple' effect.

Click that and then click [Add]

Close the Effects Dialog Box

Now do the same for the Banner..

Step 7 Run your Program

The 3 things to change to modify how your Flag and Banner

will behave are:

Frequency - How often of the waves

Amplitude - How big are the waves

Speed - How Fast it animates

Play around and adjust those for your Flag and Banner to get it the way you want it.

I have added Buttons to my Capx file and made a Tool so you can adjust them as you like.

Here is where to get them:

Basic-> Flag Tutorial Basic

Expanded-> Flag Tutorial Expanded

Please Leave your Comments, I would really like to know how I did, being this is my First Tutorial Created. Thank You and Enjoy!


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